Friction bearing. Bronze grades.
Are you interested in a bronze plain bearing? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy bronze bearings at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. Price is optimal.
As an antifriction material, bronze is also characterized by resistance to corrosive environments, sufficient mechanical strength and high value of the thermal conductivity coefficient. Due to their antifriction properties bronze bearings have high working capacity in heavy-duty units.
Applications of bronze plain bearings
- Transport engineering (rail and non-rail);
- Production of high-speed turbines and hydraulic motors;
- Machines with time-varying and high impact loads (pumps, compressors);
- Units working with abrasive rocks in mining and road construction;
- Gears of mechanical industrial equipment - machines, presses and mechanical equipment.
Buy a bronze bearing offers the company Evek GmbH. The price from the manufacturer. Supplier provides prompt delivery of products to any address.
The choice of materials and sizes
When ordering the optimal design of the bronze alloy bearing, the following factors are taken into account:
- Specific contact loads that occur during the operation of the bearing unit;
- The material of the liners. The best antifriction properties have bearings from tin bronzes, at lower circumferential speeds phosphor bronze liners can be used;
- The method of obtaining and subsequent processing of products. Deformable bronze is characterized by increased mechanical strength, while foundry bronzes have an increased surface porosity, and therefore better retain process grease;
- Bronze with higher zinc content is better machinable, which reduces the labor intensity of manufacturing plain bearings, especially of large dimensions;
- Actual amplitude of dynamic working loads. Bearings made of aluminum-iron bronze perform best under shock and shocks.
Buy. Supplier, price.
Are you interested in a bronze sleeve bearing? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy bronze bearing at a price from the manufacturer. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.