Industrial applications of precision alloys
EP685, 27KH.
These are materials with high saturation induction. Stators, rotors of electric machines operated at high and normal temperatures.
29NK, 29NK-vi.
Medium and low TKHR giving vacuum-tight junction with glasses of parts of radioelectronic equipment.
EP475vi, il. 32NK, 32NK-VI.
Low or minimal TKHR, production of complex shaped elements, length measures.
EI630A superinver, 32NKD.
The highest precision instrument parts that require dimensional constancy over a temperature range.
36H, 36H-vi, invar.
Used for gauges that operate at sharp temperature changes
36KNM, 36NKMP, permalloy
Magnetic lines in control systems of electromagnets and anchors in sea water.
36NKHTU, 36NKHTU-vi, EI702, elinvar
Components and sensors, operation temperature not higher than 250°C
Components and sensors, temperature of operation not exceeding 350°C
Components and gauges with operation temperature not exceeding 400°C.
Vacuum tight junctions with sapphire, glass.
40KHNM, EI995vi
Watch springs for winding mechanisms, cylindrical coiled springs, operating at the temperature of not more than 400°C.
42H, 42H-vi, 40H, H42, Feni
Electro-vacuum technology.
High magnetic permeability, increased saturation induction.
45NHT, EP218.
Production of resonators for electromechanical systems.
Soft glass solder, sealed contacts with mica and ceramics.
49KF, 49K2F, 49K2FA-VI, Permendur
Pole tips and cores of magnets and solenoids.
50H, EI676, EI467, permalloy
Cores of small-sized, interlamp power transformers, reactors, relays
Cores of magnetic amplifiers, rectifying devices, switching chokes.
Cores of pulse transformers.
68NKHVKTU, 68NKHVKTU-VI, EP578, EP578-vi, permalloy
Sensitive elastic elements operating at temperatures from minus 196 °C to + 500 °C.
79NM, 80NM
Magnetically soft alloy for small size cores of transformers, chokes and relays.
Alloy non-magnetic with specified TKHR
80NHS, permalloy
Magnetically soft alloy for cores of magnetic heads.
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The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy precision alloys, the price - due to the technological features of production without including additional costs. The supplier Evek GmbH has information on the latest product arrivals on their website. Always in stock precision alloys, price - optimal from the supplier.