Applications for copper alloys
Over 30% of copper is used in alloys. Most industries today use copper alloys in the production of heat exchangers, wires, refrigerators, plumbing pipes and more. Since copper is famous for its high aesthetic and decorative characteristics, it is widely used today in the creation of the original details of the interior, jewelry, souvenirs
Copper-nickel alloys
A characteristic feature of copper-nickel alloys is their high resistance to corrosion. Such alloys are virtually indestructible even in seawater. Despite the fact that their main component is copper, these alloys are silvery white in color. Melchior has a nickel content of 18-33%. Melchior has a very beautiful appearance, and is used to make jewelry and crockery, as well as to mint coins. Nasilber is a near melchior alloy, containing about 20% of zinc in addition to 15% of nickel. This alloy is used in production of medical instruments and artistic goods. Manganin is an alloy of copper, manganese and nickel, and constantan (nickel is 40%) have a very high electrical resistance. They are used for making electric meters.
Protective coatings
Copper plating techniques are used in engineering by coating steel products with a thin copper layer. In the process of protecting steel parts and products with decorative nickel and chrome coatings applied directly to steel, the coating becomes unstable, falls off and cracks. To remedy this, the steel is first coated with a thin layer of copper and then with nickel or chromium. This is the only way the electrolytic precipitation is of high quality. The copper plating process is also carried out to facilitate the soldering of products and parts, as copper is very well exposed to soldering.
Pure copper
Copper is used in electrical engineering: in the manufacture of contact ribbons and wires, in the manufacture of cable products, electrical generators, telegraph and telephone equipment and in radio equipment. Copper is used to manufacture vacuum devices, heat exchangers and pipelines. The high ductility and toughness of copper makes it possible to use it in the production of various articles with intricate patterns. From red copper, which in annealed state becomes very malleable and soft, you can bend the most complex elements of the ornament, and the wire is easy to twist all kinds of cords. In addition, copper wire is easily soldered with silver solder, is well gold-plated and silvered. These properties make copper in the production of filigree products an indispensable material.
Buy, price
Evek GmbH sells copper and copper alloys at the best price. It is formed taking into account the rates on the London Non-Ferrous Metals Exchange and depends on the technological characteristics of production without including additional costs. All products have a quality certificate for compliance with the requirements of standards. With us you can buy in bulk a variety of products for large-scale production. A wide range of products, comprehensive advice of our managers, reasonable prices and timely delivery determine the face of our company. Find us easily on the Internet at A flexible system of discounts is available for wholesale purchases.