Stainless steel reference
03Х11Н10М2Т2EP853vd14−131−795−89Corrosion-resistant steel for the manufacture of parts of special equipment.03Cr11Ni10M2Tb-in.EP67814−1-1540−75/3568−83/4608−8914−1-1540−75/3568−83/4608−8903Cr11Ni2Mo2F-vdDI5214−1-2573−7803Cr12Ni10Mtr, vdEP810vd14−1-2235−77Corrosion-resistant steel for manufacturing parts of special equipment.03Cr12Ni9M2Sb-viEP925 03CR13NI5K10M3FBEP961 VNS3314−1-4940−90, 14−1-131−384−77Parts of special equipment.03Cr13Ni5M5K9-pVNL614−1-861−74 03CR13N7C23Х13Н7М2 ЭИ725949−75 03CR13NI8D2TMEP699, hd, id14−1-1655−75, 14−1-2176−77Power elements of various constructions working at +20…-196 degrees Celsius. Steel is resistant to industrial atmosphere and salt fog. 7800kg/m3.03Х14К13Н4М3ТВ.EP76714−1-1149−74Parts of special equipment.03Х16Н15М3Б00Х16Н15М3B, EI844B00Х16Н15М3Б, EI844BWelded structures; boiling phosphoric, sulfuric acid and other active media. Higher resistance against pitting corrosion than st03H17H14M303CR17N14M2.High chemical resistance welded parts in pulp, textile, wool and artificial silk industries 03CR17N14M35632−72, 14−1-240−72, 14−1-1154−74, 14−1-1541−75, 14−1-2144−77, 14−1-692−73, 5582−75, 14−1-2132−77, 14−1-2134−77, 14−1-1183−74, 14−3-396−75Main assemblies of urea and caprolactam synthesis equipment (cyclohexane oxidation reactor). Stuctures in boiling phosphoric acid and acetic acid, in sulfuric acid — mixers, lining of synthesis columns. 7750kg/m3. OZL-20. 03X18K8H5T-in.EK21vd14−1-3140−81Parts of special equipment.03CR18NI115632−72, 2690−71, 1133−71, 5582−75, 14−1-490−72, 14−1-2144−77, 14−1-3071−80, 14−1-1180−74, 14−1-3386−82, 14−1-3652−83, 14−1-1160−74, 14−1-3071−80, 14−1-2450−78Organic and fruit acid resistant devices and parts in the manufacture of foodstuffs, soaps, oils and man-made fibers. Equipment resistant to 70% nitric acid, adipic acid, ammonium nitrate up to 300 grad. OZL-22 electrodes 03Х18Н12Used in electronic industry, does not contain ferrite phase 03Cr18Ni16M3-inZI133vd14−1-5191−92, 14−1-4913−90, 14−123−134−95Surgical implants for bone fractures — plates, bone screws, nails, pins, skeletal tension spokes. 8030kg/m303Х19АГ3Н1014−1-1303−75, 14−1-2261−77, 14−3-415−75, 14−1--4646−89, 9941−81Cryogenic machinery for production of weak nitric acid, ammonium nitrate. Cryogenic machinery. It replaces ste03Cr18Ni11 providing 20% decrease in metal intensity, strength is 1.5 times higher. Increased resistance to media with chlorine ions, replacement of st08Cr18Ni10T. 03CR19K6M5TR.EP631vd14−1-1368−74Gear parts, fasteners, disks, power machine parts.03CR20NI16AG614−1-3291−81, 14−1-2922−80Large welded tanks with periodic changes of temperature from +20 to -269 deg for a long time under pressure. Replacement of stCr18N10 in 55% nitric acid and medium oxidizing media, industrial atmosphere. 03CR20YU3NTBК0−414−1-4645−89Analogue of ste15Cr25T with improved weldability. Parts of boiler equipment — nozzles, burners, screens with working t-temperature 1100−1150grad.03Х21Н21М4Б00Х20Н20М4Б, ЗИ355632−72, 5582−84, 7350−77, 14−1-1190−75, 14−1-3262−81, 14−3-694−78, 14−3-696−78, 14−3-751−78, 14−3-751−78, 14−1-4319−87, 14−1-2134−77Stomachs for production of phosphoric acid, fertilizers, acetyl cellulose, vinyl acetate, and in other aggressive environments and intensive wear — mixers, separators, extractors. 8000kg/m3. OZL-17U, OZL-26A, EA-395/9.03Х21Н25М5ДБ.03Х21Н32М3Б, -viEP864, vi14−1-2512−78Designed for the manufacture of products operating at high temperatures in a special environment.03Х22Н3АМ2Sheet, strip, plates, pipesSubstitute for AISI 316/316L and 03X22H6T in chlorine-containing media. Conventional welding for austenites 03CR22NI6M2ZI675632−72, 7350−77, 14−1-1905−76Welded capacitive equipment for mineral fertilizers, sulphuric acid etc. up to +300°C. Opposite to st10Х17Н13М2Т, higher resistance to knife corrosion in welded joints. OZL-20.03X22H6T. 03CR23NI6ZI685632−72, 7350−77, 14−1-1554−75, 14−1-1905−76Welded capacitive equipment in production of nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, adipine acid. Substitute for st03X18N11, 03X19AG3N10, Х18Н9Т, Х18Н10T, 08Х22Н6Т. It has higher resistance to knife corrosion in welded joints than these steels. OZL-22.03Х24Н6ФМ3ZI13014−1-3880−84, 14−1-5021−91, 302.02.095−90, 14−1-4372−87Increased durability including. wear and tear in welded chemical equipment in sulfuric phosphoric and nitric acid environments, in chlorides and hydrogen sulfide.03Х9К14Н6М3ДEP92114−1-1785−76, 14−1-3049−80, 14−1-2070−77, 14−1-2071−77Heavy-loaded parts at t+400.-196 in slightly aggressive media. Increased erosion resistance: valves of shut-off assemblies of oxygen plants. 7850kg/m3.03Х9К14Н6М3ДФ.EP921, hd14−1-1785−76Parts of special equipment.03KHGYUCNIIChermet-VAZ pilot development 2006High-strength steel for weight reduction of automotive parts 03CRNI28MDT000Х23Н28М3Д3T, EP5165632−72, 5949−75, 7350−77, 14−1-756−73Heavy-duty equipment for production of sulphuric acid, nitrophoska, extraction phosphoric acid and in aggressive media. More resistant to intergranular corrosion of base metal and welds in comparison with st06HN28MDT. OZL-17U.04Cr14K13N4M3Tb-in.EP76714.1-Ц49−74 04CR15ST14−1-5014−91, 14−1-5014−91Cutlery, kitchen utensils, trade and food equipment of meat dairy vegetable-canning fish confectionery and bakery industry, household appliances. The density of 7700kg/m3. Good weldability. 04Х18Н1000Х18Н10, EP550. Used similarly to 08Cr18Ni10T, 03Cr18Ni11 and in nitric acid environments at elevated temperature, higher resistance to intergranular corrosion 04CR19MAFT14−226−130−92Absorbing plates of solar collectors, food machinery products, food equipment. 04CR32N8-VDEP53514−1-1230−74 05Cr12H9M2S3-SHEP821sh14−1-4578−89Corrosion-resistant steel for parts of special equipment.06CR13N7D2EP89814−1-3613−83Parts of special equipment.06CR14NID2MBTEP81714−1-2407−78 06Х15Н6МВФБ-shVNS1614−1-2229−77 06Х16Н15М2Г2ТФР-id06Х16Н15М2Г2ТФР-idCalcination-resistant special tubes for high temperatures 06CR18NI110CR18NI11, ENI684Ferritic phase content is lower than in 08Cr18Ni10 steel 06CRNI28MDT0Х23Н28М3Д3Т, ЭИ9435632−72, 5949−75, 7350−77, 4986−79, 5582−75, 9940−81, 9941−81, 14−3-822−79, 14−3-763−78Chemical equipment, reactors, heat exchangers, pipelines, tanks at t to 80 degrees Celsius in sulphuric acid, except 55%, extraction phosphoric, acetic and other media of high aggressiveness in the production of complex mineral fertilizers. Electrodes OZL-17U, OZL-37−2.06ХН28МДТ06ХН28МДТ, ЭП591 06CRNI28MT0Х23Ш8М2Т, EI628 07GBUCNIIChermet-VAZ pilot development 2006High-strength steel for weight reduction of automotive parts 07Kh12NMBF-shEP60914−1-931−74Corrosion-resistant steel for parts of special equipment.07Cr15N30V5M2-idČS8114−1-4244−87 07CR16NI4BHighly loaded welded parts in shipbuilding, nuclear energy, chemical industry. See also 09Cr16N4B (EP56). 07CR16NI6CR16N6, EP28814−1-205−75,14−1-1660−76Steel of austenitic-martensitic class without delta-ferrite. Products of high strength, working in atmospheric conditions, saline environments, as well as for elastic elements.07CR17NI16EP62614−1-886−74Non-magnetic automotive steel, increased machinability by cutting.07Cr21G7AN5,-sh.5X21G7AN5, EP222, w14−1-1141−74, 5632−72, 5949−75, 14−1-952−74, 14−1-2476−78, 14−1-2455−78, 14−1-3041−80Machine parts operating in corrosive environments from+400 to-253 spindles, hangers in oxygen plants, brazed structures, fasteners, flanges, threaded joints with increased screwability. Resistant to marine atmospheres.07Х21Н9С2М.VNL414−1-861−74 07Kh25N16AH6FEP750, w5632−72, 14−1-3109−81, 14−1-911−74, 14−1-1644−76, 14−1-1731−76Special-purpose parts of complex shape stamp-welded structure with working t up to 850grad. 7830 kg/m3. OZL-9A.07Х25Н16АГ6Ц-шEP78114−1-912−74Parts of burner devices, thermocouple covers, furnace parts.08GSYTCNIIChermet-VAZ pilot development 2006High-strength steel for weight reduction of automotive parts 08CR10NI20TI20Х10Н20Т2Non-magnetic steel for production of large parts operating in sea water 08Х130CR13, ENI4965949−75Parts with increased ductility subjected to impact loads. Structural elements in water and steam, as well as in household appliances, cladding and interior decoration, etc.08Х14Н5М2Д.VNL314−1-861−74 08CR14N7MVNL114−1-в61−74 08CR15D2TKH15N5D2T, EP410, EP22514−1-744−73 08CR15NI24V4TRX15N24V4T, EP16414−1-1139−74Austenitic grade steel. Working and guide blades, fasteners, disks of gas turbines up to 700 °C.08Х16Н13М2Б1X16N13M2B, EI680 08CR17NI13M2T 08Х17Н15М3Т0Х17Н16М3Т, EI58014−136−274−79Stable austenitic steel without ferritic phase for production of urea synthesis columns. It has higher resistance against pitting corrosion than 10Х17Н13М2Т steel in media containing chlorine ions.08CR17NI5M3Х17Н5М3, ЭИ92514−1-1831−76For media containing sulphuric acid. Good weldability08CR17NI6TDI21Used for wings, rudders, brackets, ship shafts working in sea water. Recommended as a substitute for 09Cr17N7Yu and 09Cr17N7Yu1 with higher resistance against intergranular corrosion. 08CR17T0CR17T, EN6455949−75Equipment of food, brewing, soap and light industry plants, heat exchangers, pipes. Welded structures not subject to shock loads.08CR18H8H2T0Х18Г8Н2Т, KO314−1-4687−89; thick plate 7350−77; forgings 25,054−81Recommended as a stronger substitute for 12X18H10T and 08X18H10T steels for svr. equipment operating in aggressive media, chemistry, food industry and other branches of industry in oxidizing media from -50 to 300 °С08CR18NI10EI8255632−72, 7350−77, 5582−72, 4986−79, 5949−75For use in households, food industry equipment and parts, for welded products operating in environments more aggressive than 12X18H10T grade steel without pressure limitation up to 600°C08CR18NI10TI0Х18Н10Т, EI9145949−75,5632−75, 17 350−77, 5582−75, 9941−81, 4986−79, 9940−81, 11 068−81, 14−1-2787−79Weldability without restriction, good polishability and excellent deep-drawing ability, wear resistance. Apparatuses and devices in the production of food products. Consumer goods, automotive industry, spark plug electrodes, filler wire.08КH18Н12Б0Х18Н12Б, EI4025632−72, 5949−75, 7350−77, 5582−75, 9940−81, 9941−81Welded equipment for contact with nitric acid resistant to pitting. Oil refining industry. Recommended electrodes ZL-11, OZL-7, at elevated temperatures L-39, L-40M.08CR18NI12T0CR18NI12TIt doesn’t contain ferritic phase and it has higher resistance to intercrystalline corrosion than 08Cr18Ni10. 08CR1818TSteel with good plastic properties which allows the production of basic automobile silencers by the roof locking method 08CR18T114−1-4035−85, 14−1-1081−74, 14−1-2421−78This steel is stamped, parts of gas exhaust system of automobiles, trade equipment. Except for shock loads and temperatures below -20°. It is approved as packaging and equipment for food industry with the period of contact of products with the surface <24hour. Recommended for argon arc welding, filler wire 10X18H10T 08X18Тh.DI7714−1-4017−85, 14−1-3856−84Micro alloyed with the rare earth element cerium, a replacement for 08Cr18Ni10Tch in food industry general corrosion environments. It has improved polishability compared to 08Cr18T1. It allows all kinds of welding — filler wire Kh25N13, RDS OZL-1108Х20Н14С20Х20Н14С2, EI732 08Х20Н5АГ12МФDI814−1-2290−77 08Х21Н6М2Т0Х21Н6М2Т, EP545632−72, 5949−75, 7350−77, 5582−75, 14−1-894−74, 14−3-59−72Orgsynthesis, sulfuric acid, pulp and paper, caprolactam, urea. Typical equipment — distillation columns, extraction, blow tanks, storage, tanks, collectors, it is used as 100% substitute of 10Х17Н13М2Т, but more stronger.08CR22NI6T0Х22Н5Т, EP535949−75, 5632−72, 7350−77, 5582−75, 9940−81, 9941−81, 14−1-894−74, 14−1-52−71Heat exchangers and boiler parts up to 300 deg. Welded chemical apparatus in nitric acid environment, ammonium nitrate evaporation, in the production of antibiotics. Stronger austenitic-ferritic substitute for 08Cr18Ni10T in industrial, marine and tropical atmospheres, pressure vessels. It is an excellent weldability, manual electric ZL-11, automatic submerged flux AH-26.08 UPCNIIChermet-VAZ pilot development 2006High-strength steel for weight reduction of car parts 08YUPRVAZ pilot development 2008Rim of an automobile disc of increased strength 09G2S19 281−83For welded riveted or bolted structures 09Х14Н19В2БР1Х14Н18В2БР, EI695Р1X14N18V2BR, EI695R 09Х14Н19В2BR11X14N18V2BR1, EI72614−1-2865−80Rotors, disks, turbine blades up to 700 °C.09CR15NI8YUХ15Н9Ю, ЭИ90414−1-1831−76High-strength steel for products working in the atmospheric conditions, acetic acid and other saline environments and for elastic elements. The increased strength is achieved by tempering at temperatures of 750 and 850 degrees Celsius.09CR15NI8YU1Х15Н9Ю, ЭИ90414−1-1831−76the same as 09Cr15Ni8Yu09C16N15M3BKH16N15M3 C, EI847Steam superheater parts 400−850°C with high mechanical loads, turbine blades, steam pipelines 09CR16N4B1Х16Н4Б, ЭП5614−1-3564−83,14−1-463−72It is used for high-strength press-welded structures and parts operating in contact with aggressive media. The highest corrosion resistance after quenching with low tempering (up to 400°C).09CR16NIMO2DEP887, VNS2814−1-4407−88 09CR17NI7U0Х17Н7Ю, ЭИ973Wings, rudders, arms in sea water. The highest corrosion resistance after double first tempering 740−760 °C 09CR17NI7YU10Х17Н7Ю1also 0Х14Н28В3Т3Р0Х14Н28В3Т3Р, EI7860X14N28V3T3R, EI786 0Х16Н7М2Ю0Х16Н7М2U, EP294 0Х18Н12ТФ0Х18Н12ТФ, EI953 0Х20Н11М3ТБ0Х20Н11М3ТБ, EP89 0Х20Н4АГ10HH314−1-784−73 0Х20Н4АГ12АБНН3Б14−1-784−73 10, 15, 20 …St10, St15, St20, St3, St40GOST 1050−88Machine parts10 880-ШЭ1014−1-3606−83 10N4H4CR2MUEI88810Х11Н20Т2РEI696A14−1-1671−76the same as 10Х11Н20Т3Р10Х11Н20Т3РEI696A14−1-1671−76Turbine parts up to 700 grad.10Х11Н23Т3МРKH12N22T3MR, EP3314−312−72Springs and fasteners details up to 700 °C.10Х12В2МФEI75610Х12Н20Т2-shEP45214−1-1730−76Parts of special equipment.10Х13Г18ДDI6114−1-1995−76,14−131−759−88Corrosion-resistant steel for subsequent cold machining.10CR13SU1X12SU, ENI404Parts in construction of furnaces and steam boilers as lifting beams, rails, carrying and lifting ropes, grids, hoses, and thermocouple protective tubes10Х14АГ15Х14АГ15, ДИ13For household goods and washing machines10CR14H14N3CR14H14N3, DI6For household goods and washing machines10Х14Г14Н4ТKH14G14N3T, EI7115949−75, 5632−72, 7350−77, 5582−75, 14−1-170−72Welded equipment for chemical production of low aggressiveness, cryogenic equipment for obtaining liquefied gases up to minus 196 deg. Furnace armament and heat exchangers up to 700 degrees Celsius. Oxygen pipelines. Substitute for stCr18Ni10.10Х14Н14В2М.1X14N14V2M, EI25710Х15Н27Т3МР-in.EP700vd14−1-4481−8810Х15Н28В2М4БEP485vd, vi, w14−1-2512−78For the manufacture of parts operating at high temperatures in a special environment.10Х17Н13М10Х17Н13М, ЭИ40010Х17Н13М2ТKH17N13M2T, EI4485632−72, 5949−75, 7350−77, 5582−84, 4986−78, 9940−81, 9941−81, 18 143−72Sv. structures, working in acidic environments. The most important apparatuses and children of chemical, textile and rubber industry, manufacture of cellulose, as well as in photography, production of paints, artificial resins, synthetic rubber, isoprene, acetic acid.10Х17Н13М3ТKH17N13M3T, EI4325949−75For the manufacture of construction materials working in corrosive environments such as caustic soda concentrate. Equipment for production of ethanolamines.10Х17Н16М2ТKH17N16M2T, EI40310Х17Н5М2CR17N5M2, EP40510Х17Н7ГТCR17NI7HT, ЭI81410Х17Н8М2-VDEN9414−136−275−7910Х17СУHolders of sheets and tubes in the construction of furnaces, in the manufacture of air preheaters, superheater hangers, annealing caps, covers of sheets, protective tubes of pyrometers, parts of lifting mechanisms, rails, drums, etc.10Х18Г14АН4KH18G14AN4, EP19710Х18Н10Т-VDEP502, EI79314−1-2787−7910Х18Н11С5М2ТЮEP98714−131−621−85Power Engineering.10CR18NI4DEP8415632−72, 14−131−404−78, 14−130−60−73, 14−1-1197−75, 14−1-1964−77, 14−1-2075−77, 14−159−93−77, 14−131−195−77Parts for operation in gas media at 900−1100°C: muffles, retorts, burners, gas pipelines. 7630kg/m3. OZL-25.10Х23Н18X23H1820X23H18, AISI 310S10Х32Н8,-sh,-vdEP26314−1-88−71Machine parts working in corrosive environments at elevated temperatures.10ХПН20Т2РKH12N20T2R, EI696A14−1-1671−7610ХПНН20Т3РKH12N20T3R, EI69614−1-1671−7611M5FEP98014−1-2678−79Tools for machining of carbon and structural steels.11Р3АМ3Ф2EP89419 265−73Tools of simple shape for machining carbon and low alloy steels. Cutting and slotting cutters, hacksaw blades.11Х11Н2В2МФ.KH12N2VMF, EI962Compressor disks, blades and other stressed parts.11CR13NI314−1-2139−77Corrosion-resistant steel is used for the manufacture of parts by mining and cold working.11Х4В2МФ3С2DI375950−7311KHF5950−73For taps and other cutting tools.120Г13EI25614−1-1614−7612Х1120CR, EP43012Х12М1БФР-shSpecial low-oxidation pipes12Х12Н12Г6ЭИ42912Cr13, -sh18 968−73, 5949−75, 14−1-3564−83Martensitic-ferritic steel. Turbine parts, pipes, boiler parts. Structural elements and parts exposed to shock loads in water, steam, mildly aggressive environments of the food industry.12Х13АГ14Д.UR 14−226−141−98Commercial and food equipment, cutlery, crockery, refrigerators, washing machine basins, sinks, medical equipment, cold forming and deep-drawing pots. High polishability. Welding CL-11.12Х15Г9НД.AISI 201imported plates, rounds, tubes. Austenitic substitute for st.08X18H10 (AISI 304) for moderately aggressive media, steam up to 600 deg. Calcium-resistant up to 800hg. in unloaded condition. RDC NI-48G, GS-1. Welds in argon wire. 08Х20Н9Г7T, 08Х21Н10Г6. Problems with cert. on prolonged contact with food products.12Х16Н25М6АГ.EI39514−1-1907−7612Х17Х17, ЭЖ175949−75Equipment of food and light industry plants, heat exchangers, pipes. Parts with higher corrosion requirements with good deep drawing ability and polishability — cutlery, sinks, pushers, wheel covers, etc. Poor weldability.12Х17Г8Н4Д.AISI 202imported pipesNickel substitution for manganese. Austenite. substitute for st 08X18H10. Structural and decorative pipes in the construction, furniture. Polished to a mirror. Welding in argon wire AISI 308.12Х17Г9АН4KH17G9AN4, EI87814−1-377−72Steel of austenitic class. Used in aircraft industry in atmospheric conditions, replacement of 12X18H9, 12X18H10T.12Х17Г9НД.AISI 201imported tubesSteel with high manganese content instead of nickel, inexpensive austenitic substitute for 08Cr18Ni10 steel, polished to a mirror12Cr18Ni10TEA1T, YA1T, X18N10T5949−75Components with high mechanical stress, furnaces, muffles and other equipment at temperatures up to 800hg, continuous operation in a combustion product atmosphere at temperatures up to 900hg, good weldability, food tank equipment, aviation industry12CR18NI10ECR18NI10E, EP475949−75Corrosion-resistant steel with increased machinability, analogue of 12Cr18Ni9 for corrosion resistance12CR18NI12Chemical industry, screws, nuts and cold extrusions12CR18NI12TContains less ferritic phase than 12Cr18Ni10Ti.12CR18NI9High-strength Cr/cr steel strip. Only spot welding, other welding methods have intergranular corrosion12Х18Н9Т5632−72, 5949−75, 5582−75, 7350−77, 4986−79, 18 143−72, 9940−81, 9941−81, 14−1-377−72, 14−1-565−84, 14−1-416−72Springs for t-r up to 300 °C as well as high-strength sheets for transport, muffles of thermal furnaces, parts of heat exchanger fasteners, furnaces with walking hearth, shrouds, supports up to 800 °C. 7920 kg/m312Х18Н9ТLcastings 2176−77Foundry austenitic grade steel, various machine parts up to 700 °C., heat-resistant up to 600 °C.12Х18НЯЕ12Х18НЕ, EI45212Х1М20 072−74For manufacturing parts operating at temperatures from 50 to 580 °C.12Х21Н5Т1Х21Н5Т, ЭИ8115949−75,14−1-1273−75/1283−75Steel of austenitic-ferritic class. Special machinery parts, welded and brazed structures in aggressive environments. Higher strength in comparison to st08X22H6T and better soldering resistance in comparison to st08X18H10.12Х25Н16Г7АРEI8355632−72, 5949−75, 5582−75, 7350−77, 4986−79, 14−1-225−72, 14−1-2478−78, 14−1-1747−76Turbine industry: parts of gas pipeline systems, combustion chambers, diaphragms, sheet parts at t-re up to 1050grad with limited service life. 7760kg/m3.13Х5950−73For razor blades and knives, surgical tools, scrapers, engraving tools.13Х11Н2В2МФ1Cr12Ni2VmF, EI961, w14−1-3297−82Compressor disks, blades and other stressed parts.13Х13С2М2-ШEN85214−1-1889−76Corrosion-resistant steel for subsequent cold machining.13CR14H3V2MFEN736Highly loaded parts including disks, shafts, working at high humidity up to 550° C13CR14NI3V2FRCR14NVFR, ЭИ73614−1-3297−82Highly loaded parts operating at high humidity.13Х15Н4АМ31X15N4AM3, EP31014−1-940−74Fasteners.13Х3НВМ2ФVKS414−1-2164−7713ХГМMS1013ХГМФMS913CRNIMOVMS814CR17NI21Х17Н2, ЭИ268, w5949−75,14−1-377−72/3564−83Working blades, disks, propeller shafts of submarines, rotation parts in food equipment (food-grade steel), bushings.14Х17Н2АМ2EC48, w14−1-3407−82Corrosion-resistant steel is used for the manufacture of parts by hot and cold working.15 G, 20 G, …4543−71Axles, shafts, pinion shafts, plungers, rods, crankshafts and camshafts, spindles, etc.15X11MFEP369Steam superheater parts 400−850°C with high mechanical loads15CR12VMFEN95215X12VNMF1Х12VINMF, ЭИ80218 968−7315Х12Н2МВАБEP51714−1-1161−7515Kh12N2MVFABEP517sh14−1-1161−75Corrosion-resistant steel for parts of special equipment.15Х16К5Н2МВФАБ-shEP86614−1-2756−79Special technique parts.15Kh16N2AM-шEP47914−1-948−74Corrosion-resistant steel for parts of special equipment.15Х16Н3К4МФEC8114−1-4143−86Special technique parts.15Х17АГ14Х17АГ14, ЭП213Substitute for st12X18H9 for products working in mildly aggressive environments. Well resists atmospheric corrosion.15Х18Н12С4ТЮEI654, w14−1-561−73,14−1-915−74 (-Ш)Welded products operating in air and corrosive environments, in particular for concentrated nitric acid. Not prone to cracking and stress corrosion15CR18SUX18SU, EI484,15CR25T15KH25T, EI4395632−72, 5949−75, 5582−75, 7350−77, 9940−81, 9941−81Thermocouple sheaths, furnace armature elements up to 1000hg, spark-plug electrodes, heat exchanger tubes, pyrolysis units in aggressive media up to 350hg, from 400hg to 700hg are not recommended15X28, wX28, EZH27, EI34914−1-1729−76Pipes for heat-exchange equipment operating in corrosive media, also for junction with glass, but without welding. Pyrolysis units. Welded joints are prone to intergranular corrosion. The lower temperature limit of operation is -20°C.15Х5М20 072−74For pipes, gate valves, fasteners and other parts that require resistance to oxidation.15KHSUX6SYU, EI42815HM, 20HM, 40HMFA,4543−71Shafts, gears, axles, bolts, connecting rods, etc.15KHSMFB.EP79-15ХСНД19 281−83For welded riveted or bolted structures15KHF, 40KHFA4543−71For parts working at temperatures from -40 to 560 C under pressure.16Cr-viEP638vi10 994−74, 10 160−75For magnetic cores of various control systems of armatures and electromagnets, parts of electrical machines without protective coatings, working in harsh environment, temperature and pressure conditions.16Х11Н2В2МФ2Õ12N2VMF, EI962A14−1-2172−77Compressor disks, blades and other stressed parts up to 600° C16X12MVSFBR-SHEP82314−1-1135−74Special equipment parts.16CR16NI3MADEP81114−1-3791−8416Х20К6Н2МВФ-shEP76814−1-957−74Parts of burner devices, thermocouple covers, furnace parts.16Х3Н3МФАБVKS714−1-4483−8816Х3Н3НФМБDI3914−1-3242−8117CR18NI95949−75, 2590−71, 2591−71, 2879−69; 7417−75, 8559−75, 8560−78; 14 955−77, 18907−73; 7350−77, 5582−75; 4405−75, 103−76; 18 143−72; 1133−71; 9940−81, 9941−81.Optimized for spot welding. Increased strength. The close analogue of 20X13H4G9.17Х5В3МФ5С2 МП.A cutting tool, a substitute for high speed steels.18CR11MNFB2Х11MFBN, EP29118 968−73Highly loaded parts, turbine blades.18Х12ВМБФР2X12VMBFR, EI9935949−75,14−1-552−72Steel of martensitic-ferritic class. Forgings, turbine blades, fasteners up to 600° C18CR13NI314−1-2139−77Corrosion-resistant steel used for parts by mining and cold working.18CR15N3M-SHDI114−1-3297-«218CR2N4MA4543−71It is used for critical parts with high strength requirements.18CR3MV.ENI57818HG, 25HGT,…4543−71Shafts, pinions, axles, bolts, connecting rods, etc.1Х15Н9С3Б1Х15Н9С3Б, EI3021Х25Н25Т31X25N25T3, EI8131SH1N2V2MF12N2VMF, EI96220H, 40H, 45H4543−71Parts operating under conditions of friction wear (bushes, gears, clutches, disks, plungers)20X12VNMF25P2VNMF, EP4285949−75Highly loaded parts.20Х135949−75Structural elements of higher strength like axles, shafts, pump parts, piston rods, wedge valves, nozzle needles. Heat resistance 550 deg, heat resistance 700 deg. Weldability is satisfactory by all kinds of welding, filler wire Св-10Х13 Св-06Х1420Х13Н4Г92Х13Н4Г9, ЭИ1005949−75Austenitic-martensitic cold-rolled 12X18H9, 17X18H9 substitute for light and strong structures. Only electric spot welding is allowed, other methods do not provide resistance to intergranular corrosion20Cr17Ni2, shEP2105949−75, 14−1-377−72High-strength steel for heavily loaded parts working on the abrasion and impact in slightly aggressive environments. High hardness, over HRC 45. It is used in aviation industry.20Х18Н4М3АСEP99620Х18Н4М3Д2АСEP99520Х1М1Ф1БР20XMFB, EP4420 072−74, 14−1-522−72For production of turbine fasteners and flange joints of steam pipes and valves.20Х1М1Ф1ТРEP18220 072−74, 14−1-522−72Fasteners for turbines and flange joints of steam pipes and valves.20Х20Н14С2KH20N14C2, EI2115632−72, 5949−75, 5582−75, 1133−71With high mechanical loads: sheets, bearing parts and pipes in the construction of furnaces and instrumentation, for air heaters, annealing hoods, carburizing and hardening, annealing pots, etc. up to 1000grad.20X21H13EI99714−1-863−7420CR23NI132CR23NI13, ЭИ3195949−7520CR23NI1820CR23NI18, ЭИ4175632−72, 5949−75, 5582−75, 7350−77, 4986−79, 14−1-377−72Parts of chemical industry installations, gas pipelines, combustion chambers, burners up to 1050grad. Details of any kind in industrial furnaces, steam boilers and oil refining devices. Heat-resistant material: blades, bandages up to 800 degrees Celsius. 7880kg/m3. OZL-6.20Х25Н20С2KH25N20C2, EI2835632−72, 5949−75, 5582−75, 14−1-5350−97, 14−1-5361,98Sheet parts of furnace rollers, hangers and supports in boilers, furnace screens for t up to 1100grad. 7720kg/m3.20Х2Н4А4543−71Gear wheels, pinion shafts and other highly strained cemented critical parts20CR2N4VAComponents and pipes for ultra low temperatures20CR3MVFEI415, EI57921NKMT-viVES13014−1-5366−98Elastic sensitive elements of complex shape, suspensions, rotors, gyroscopes. Elinvar martensitic-austenitic alloy is 2 times stronger than similar 45NKhI, VUS-22. Delivery only with special heat treatment.25Х12Н2В2М2Ф2Х12НВМФ, EP31114−1-1845−76Fasteners.25CR13NI22Х14Н2, ЭИ47414−1-721−73; ground bar 18 907−73Increased ductility, impact resistance (hydraulic presses valves); housewares. Low-aggressive environments: open air, fresh water, wet steam, saline solutions at room temperature. Specific weight. 7680kg/m3.25CR14NI22CR14NI2, ENI47414−1-721−7325Cr13Ni2 analogue25CR15KYUBFEC3314−1-3472−8225CR17NI22Х17Н2, EP407, EP21014−2139−77Corrosion-resistant steel designed for production of parts by heat and cold working.25CR18NI8V2EI94614−1-204−72Parts of special equipment.25CR18NI9S22Х18Н8С2, ЭИ9514−1-2353−78also 20Cr18Ni8C225Х1МФEF1025Х2М1ФEI72314−1-552−7225KHSNVFAGP2514−1-1447−7526Х2НВМБРKVK2614−1-2264−77,14−1-1310−7527KHEP68510 994−74, 10 160−75Rotors and stators of electrical machines operating at normal and high temperatures and under mechanical loads.28Х3СНМВФАSP2814−1-1447−7529NK,-vi14 082−78Alloys with a given temperature coefficient of linear expansion for vacuum-tight junctions of radioelectronic components with glasses.2Х13Н2ВМФ2Х13Н2ВМФ, EP652Х17Н12Х17Н1, ЭП4062Х7В9М2К9EP, EP74514−1-387−7830NKD-vi10 994−74, 14 082−78Alloy rounds and sheets with a given temperature coefficient of linear expansion for vacuum tight junctions with refractory glass30Х135949−75Cutting, measuring, surgical and measuring tools, springs, carburetor needles, household items, compressor valve plates, piston rods, screws. Temperatures up to 450grad, mildly aggressive environments. Steel is not welded.30Х2ГСН2ВМ-VD.VL114−1-1885−8530KHGSA4543−71Shafts, axles, gears, flanges, levers, pushers, fasteners, cams, fingers,31NKH3EP54614−1-1187−7531NKH3GEP54514−1-1187−75Used in electrovacuum industry.31NKH3G2EP54414−131−481−80Used in electric vacuum industry.31Х19Н9МВБТ3Х19Н9МВБТ, ЭИ5725949−75Rotors, disks, bolts up to 600 deg.32NKEP475vi, il.14−1-4422−88, 14−131−493−80For products with polished surface, parts of complex shape, stroke length measures.32NKD29NK, EI630A, superinvar14 082−78For very high precision instrument parts requiring dimensional constancy in the t-tur range.32NKH3EP44614−1-1187−75Used in the electrovacuum industry.32KH2NVMBRKVK3214−1-2264−7733NKN33K17, EP13914 082−78For joints with ceramics, mica and glass.33HH3EP54714−1-1187−75Used in electric vacuum industry.33CR3SNMVFA-VD.SP3314−1-1443−7533HS, 40HS, …4543−71Shafts, gears, axles, bolts, connecting rods, etc.35KH8F10 994−74Magneto-hard circles, active part of hysteresis motors35Х23Н7СLcastings 2176−77A close substitute for st40Kh24N12SL.36KNM.10 994−74, 10 160−75For magnetic cores of various control systems of anchors and electromagnets operating in sea water.36H, -vi.Invar14 082−78, 10 994−74Circles and sheets for instrument parts requiring dimensional constancy in the range of climatic temperatures.36NKHTU.36NKHTU, EN702GOST 14 119−85, 10 994−74For elastic sensitive elements of devices and details working at the temperature up to 250 °C.36NKHTYU5M.EP51For elastic sensitive elements of devices and parts working at temperatures up to 350 °C.36NKHTU8M.EP52For elastic sensitive elements of devices and parts working at temperatures up to 400 °C.36CRNIVUEP94014−1-2178−7736CRNIUFEC6TU37NKVTUEP92014−1-1875−76For aircraft instruments and automatic systems.37Х12Н8Г8МФБ.4X12N8G8MFB, EI48114−1-3092−81Turbine disks weighing from 50 to 500 kg and up to 1 diameter, fasteners and other parts operating with a limited service life at 600−650 ° C. Heat-resistant carbide-strengthened steel of the outtense class.37KH2NVMBRKVK3714−1-1310−7538NKD, -vi10 994−74, 14 082−78For vacuum tight junctions with glass, sapphire.38NCHM-viCS129vi14−123−92−91, 14−134−357−96Circle plates for special products38CR2MUAUltra-low temperature pipes and parts38CR2NI2MA4543−71Shafts, connecting rods, bolts and other large especially heavy-duty parts.3CR2V8F5950−73For hot pressing tools of copper alloys, die casting molds.40G18YU3FEP11214−1-1773−7640KHNM-viEI995vi10 994−74Clock mechanism winding springs, coiled cylindrical springs operating at up to 400° C, electrical measuring instrument cores, parts for surgery40KHNKHMVTUEP4vi10 994−74Wrist watch winding springs40Н40H, EP31840CR10CR2M4Х10С2М, ЭИ1075949−75Motor valves, fasteners.40CR11M3F-SHEP89014−131−465−7940Х135949−75Cutting, measuring, surgical tools, springs, carburetor needles, household items, compressor valve plates. The steel is not weldable.40Х15Н7Г7Ф2МС.4Х15Н7Г7Ф2МS, ЭИ38840CR18NI2MEP37814−1-314−72Fasteners.40CR24NI12SLcastings 2176−77Parts under high temperature and pressure: compressor blades, nozzles, furnace conveyors, screws, fasteners. Heat-resistant up to 1000 °C, heat-resistant austenite-ferrite grade. Hardfacing by manual arc welding, specific weight 7800kg/m340CR9C25949−75Automobile, tractor and diesel engine exhaust valves, heat exchangers, grates.40KHN, 12KHN3A4543−71Important connecting rods, gears, rolls of rail and heavy section mills and others.40CRNI2MA4543−71Shafts, valves, connecting rod caps and other heavy-duty parts. Rolls for cold rolling. Closely related by properties st45KhNNM.40XHN2SV40KHN2SV, EI64342H, 42Na-vi.14 082−78In electrovacuum engineering.42Cr11M3F-ashEP89014−1-4986−91Corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant steel for parts of special equipment.42KHNMEP630U14−1-3125−81Circle for parts of special equipment45Г14Н8Ф-shEP76914−131−1 (4)51−7945Г15Н9К2ЮФEP769sh14−1-4833−90Parts of burner devices, thermocouple covers, furnace parts.45NKHTEP21814−1-3074−80For production of resonators for electromechanical systems.45CR14N14V2M4X14N14V2M, EI695949−75.14-М671−763 092−81Motor valves, forgings, pipeline parts up to 650 °C.45KH22N4M34Х22Н4М3, ЭП4845KHNMforgings 8479−70; rolls 24.013.04−83Axes of composite support rolls of sheet metal hot rolling mills, gear shafts. Steel is not welded.46NKHT.EP61914−1-3075−80For the manufacture of resonators of electromechanical systems.46KhNM, -vi.EP630, vi.14−1-999−73, 14−1-3124−81; forgings 8479−70; rolls 24.013.04−83Special machinery products, axles of composite bearing rolls of hot metal rolling mills, gear shafts47ND14 082−78For soldering with soft glass, for connections with ceramics and mica, for hermetic contacts.47HX47NH, EI563, EI67749KF10 994−74, 10 160−75For cores and pole lugs, magnets and solenoids.49K2FEP20714−1-1185−75For cores and pole lugs, magnets and solenoids.49KFA-vi14−1-2899−79For transformers, magnetic amplifiers, rotors and stators of electric machines.4Х2В2МФС.45Х2СВ2МФ, EP6414Х2В5ФEI9594CR3VMF40CR3VMF, ЭИ24Х3М2ВФDI4114−1-1157−744X4VMFS40CR4VMFS, DI225950−734Х5В2FS40H5V2FS, DI9585950−734Х5МФ1С40Х5МФ1С, EP5725950−734Х5МFS5950−73For small hammer dies, horizontal forging machine tools.4X8V2EI1604XV2C5950−73For pneumatic tools, chisels, crimps.4ХС5950−73For chisels, crimps, scissors for hot and cold metal cutting; hot-drawing dies."50Н50H, EI676, EI46710 160−75Magnetically soft alloy for cores of interlamp and small-sized power transformers, chokes, relays, etc.50NP14−1-841−73For cores of magnetic amplifiers, switching chokes, rectifiers.50NHS14−131−722−89For cores of pulse transformers.50CR14MF14−1-3909−85, 14−130−280−96Cutting tools in the medical industry, food industry when corrosion resistance is required. The steel is hardened to high hardness.50X15MF14−1-3909−85, 14−130−280−96Cutting tools in the medical industry, food industry when corrosion resistance is required. The steel is hardened to high hardness.50KHFA14 959−79Responsible and heavily loaded springs and springs. Not suitable for welded structures52K10F10 994−74Small-size permanent magnets55Х20Г9А45Х20Н4АГ9, EI30314−1-1049−74Valves of automobile engines.55CR20G9AN4BEI303B58NKHVKTBU, -viEP877, -vi14−1-3182−81Alloy with specified elastic properties, available as circles5Х20Г9А4EP30314−1-1049−745Х2МНФDI325950−735Х3В3МFSDI235950−735KHV2SF, 6KHV2S5950−73For cold-cutting metal blades, thread rolling dies, punches and crimping dies.5KHNV5950−73For hammer dies of steam and pneumatic hammers.5XHNM5950−73For hammer dies of steam and pneumatic hammers, press tools.60C2, 60C2A14 959−79Responsible and heavily loaded springs and springs. Not used for welded constructions65Cr13-sh.14−1-4105−86, 14−131−764−88, 50 328.1−92РCutting tools, kitchen knives, saws, scalpels, razor blades, food, woodworking and medical industries.65CR6M2F3BEP97214−1-2574−78For the tool working at high temperatures (cutting tool).65CR6M3F3BSEP97314−1-2574−78For the tool working at high temperatures (cutting tool).68NKHVKTU, -viEP578, -vi14−1-4470−88Elastic sensing elements operating at temperatures from -196° C to 500° C.6CR3MFSEP7885950−73Punches, dies, stamps, locksmith’s tools, stamps.6Х4М2FS60KH4M2FS, DI555950−736Х6В3МФС55Х6В3СМФ, EP5695950−73For thread rolling, gear rolling, spline rolling, pipe cutting knives.6Х7В7ФМ.ЭИ16114−1-2924−80Punches, dies, cutting tools.70C2HAEN1422283−4377NMD77NMD, EP23379NM10 160−75Magnetically soft alloy for cores of small-sized transformers, chokes and relays.7X3, 8X35950−73For hot forging tools, die parts.7ХГ2ВМ-шEP4725950−73Parts for the automotive industry with increased resistance to corrosion, such as wheel covers, push rods, window frames, radiators, bumpers. Corrosion resistance worse than AISI 430. AISI 439 12X17TThe equivalent of 12X17T mainly for production of round and profiled tubes for air. AISI 441 08H18TBAnalogue of 08X18TB for production of tubesEN 1.4116AISI 420MoVX12CrMoV15Molybdenum-tungsten-alloyed high-strength martensitic steel with corrosion resistant propertiesEN 1.4301AISI 304 08X18N10X5CrNi18−10Universal imp. austenitic substitute for st12Cr18Ni10T. Perfectly welded, polished, resistant to media. aggressiveness and long term temperatures up to 650 deg. Foodstuffs, kitchenware incl. «Zepter», piping, tanks, fittings, building construction.EN 1.4303AISI 305L 06X18N11X1CrNi18−12 X4CrNi18−11EN 1.4305AISI 303X1CrNi18−9EN 1.4306AISI 304L 03X18N11X2CrNi19−11EN 1.4307AISI 304L 04H18N10TX2CrNi18−10Polished to a «super mirror». Equipment exposed to organic acids, nuclear industry, pipes, boilers. Components for food and chemical industry.EN 1.4310AISI 301 15Cr17H7 Polarit 710X1CrNi17−7Counterpart of 12X18H9 15Cr17Ni7 with low Ni content, it is not rare that the material is deliberately changed by the importers, which is only detected when the equipment is in use — the containers are rotting, the pallets are rustingEN 1.4311AISI 304LN 03X18AN11X0CrNiN18−10 X2CrNiN18−10Autoclaves in chemical apparatus engineering, dairy industry and breweryAISI 304N 08X19AH9EN 1.4318Polarit 711 low carbonAccording to some information non-spring steel railway cars; according to others spring steel with resistance to intercrystalline corrosion in the welded state; good formability and increased strength; low carbon.EN 1.4331AISI 308 08X20H11X2CrNi21−10Welding wireEN 1.4332AISI 309L 03X24N13G2SX2CrNi24−12EN 1.436203CR23H6X2CrNiN23−4EN 1.4372AISI 201X1CrMnNiSN17−6Austenitic substitute for AISI 304 with partial nickel-manganese substitutionEN 1.4373AISI 202 12X17G8N4D 12X17G9AN4X12CrMnNiN18−9-5AISI 304 austenitic substitute with manganese nickel, flat rolled productsAISI 204Cu 10Х15Г8Н2ДAlso with copper filler, flat rolled products with improved ductility, deep drawing properties. Very bright surface, good weldability, not actually certified for food service.EN 1.4401AISI 316 Polarit 755X5CrNiMo17−12−2Acid resistant steel with high molybdenum content. Parts and apparatus for the chemical, petroleum, paint, cellulose, textile, soap, dairy and brewing industriesEN 1.4404AISI 316L 03C17H13M2 Polarit 750X2CrNiMo17−12−2Also, + blood transfusion apparatus. Non-food molybdenum alloyed steels.EN 1.4406AISI 316LNX2CrNiMoN17−11−02EN 1.4429AISI 316LN 03X17N13AM3X2CrNiMoN17−13−3EN 1.4432AISI 316LX2CrNiMo17−12−3Structures and mechanisms for the chemical and pulp industries, pipes, boilersEN 1.4434AISI 317LNEN 1.4435AISI 316LX2CrNiMo18−14−3Structures and mechanisms for the chemical and pulp industries, pipes, boilersEN 1.4436AISI 316 AISI 316L 08X17N13M2X3CrNiMo17−13−3Chemical and pulp industry structures and mechanisms, pipes, boilersEN 1.4438AISI 317L 03Cr19H13M3X2CrNiMo18−15−4EN 1.4439AISI S31726 Polarit 772Chemical industry, resistant to elevated chlorine concentrations and temperaturesEN 1.4439Polarit 774EN 1.4449AISI 317 08X19H13M3X5CrNiMo17−13AISI 329 12Х25Н5ТМФLAnalogue of st12Х25Н5ТМФЛEN 1.4460AISI S31200X0CrNi5Mo26−5-2EN 1.4462AISI 318LN S31803 03X22H5AM2 Cronifer 2205 LCNX0CrNi5MoN24−6-3 X2CrNiMoN22−5-3Petrochemical installations in seawater, very high resistance to stress corrosion cracking in chloride-containing mediaEN 1.450306CRNI28MDTX3NiCrCuMoTi27−23EN 1.4509X2CrTiNb18no precise dataEN 1.4510AISI 430Ti 08Cr17TX3CrTi17Ferritic grade steel. Welded structures, washing machine tanks, bathtubs, elevators, silencers.EN 1.4511AISI 430NbX3CrNb17Ferritic grade steelEN 1.4512AISI 409L AISI 409 08X12T1X2CrTi12Automobile mufflers, manifolds. Good machinabilityEN 1.4513X2CrMoTi17−1Ferritic grade steelEN 1.4520no exact dataAISI 443 08X21TAnalogue of st08X21T for temperature stressed parts of car exhaust silencersEN 1.4521AISI 444X2CrMoTi18−2AISI 316 Substitute for solar cell base, hot water tanks. Parts immersed in cold; screws; nuts; pipes immersed in hot media, heating pipes (low hardenability)EN 1.4522AISI 436 12X17MBX2CrMoNbAISI 446 15X25TAnalogue of st15Х25Т heat resistanceEN 1.4539AISI 904L 06XN28MDTAnalog of st06HN28MDT. Phosphoric, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, high resistance to through-corrosion and stress corrosion crackingEN 1.4541AISI 321 08X18N10TX6CrNi18−10The best known and most widely used imported analogue of 12X18H10T, 08X18H10T steelEN 1.4541-MOD03CR18NI10T-UEN 1.4561EN 1.456302CR28NI30MOX1NiCrMoCu31−27−4EN 1.4565EN 1.4567AISI 30 430X0CrNiCu18−9-3EN 1.4568AISI 631 09X17H7UX7CrNiAl17−7EN 1.4571AISI 316Ti 08X17H13M2TX6CrNiMoTi17−12−2Analogous to the widespread steel 10X17H13M2TEN 1.4583AISI 318 08X18N14M2BX10CrNiMoNb18−12EN 1.4589AISI 316Cd 08C16H13M2BX1CrNiMoNb17−12−2EN 1.4724AISI 405 10X13SUX10CrAlSi13EN 1.4742Heat-resistant structural elements for moderate mechanical loads onlyEN 1.474615X25TX8CrTi25EN 1.4828X1CrNiSi20−14−2Nickel skinny imported analogue 20x25n20c2 (EI283)EN 1.4833AISI 309S 08X23H13; AISI 309 20X23N13X0CrNi23−13 X7CrNi23−14EN 1.4835AISI S30815EN 1.4841AISI 314 20Х25N20С2X56CrNiSi25−20EN 1.4843AISI 310 20Х23N18X16CrNi25−20Imported substitute for the austenitic high-temperature steel 20X23H18EN 1.4845AISI 310S 20X23N18X12CrNi25−21 X0CrNi25−20Imported substitute for austenitic heat-resistant steel 20X23H18AISI 314 20Х25H20C2Analogous to st20X25H20C2EN 1.4847AISI 334 08X20H20TUX8CrNiAlTi20−20EN 1.4854AISI S35315X0CrNi25−35AISI 347According to different sources analogous to st10Х23Н18 or 08Х18Н12БEN 1.4878AISI 321H 12Х18Н10TX1CrNiTi18−9Full technical analogue of TU/GOST steel 12X18H10T at upper carbon content limit. Exclusive grade not widely used outside of Russia, available by special orderEN 1.4948AISI 304HX1CrNi18−9EN 1.571416XHN16NiCr4Low alloy structural steelEN 1.580510XHN1Low alloy structural steelEN 1.665714XHN3MLow alloy structural steelEN 1.713116CRS16MnCr5Low alloy structural steelEN 1.7362AISI 501 15X5MX12CrMo5EN 1.7386AISI 504 15X9MX12CrMo9−1A12, A20 etc.1414−75For machining on machine tools and automatic machines, hot pressure with subsequent machiningA40Gintroduced in 2006Substitution of lead steel AS35G2AH1CR18N22V2T2AC40Development 2006 implemented by AvtoVAZReplacement of lead-containing steel AC40X. Calcium is used instead of lead. It is used for production of axle shaft rings for passenger cars.АЦ40ХГФБ.Development of 2006 introduced by AvtoVAZSteel with addition of niobium for production of connecting rods for internal combustion engines.АЦ40ХГНМ14−550−20−96A nickel-containing alloy used in the manufacture of an automobile part of a knuckle cam. The alloy is considered expensive and outdated, attempts are being made to replace it with nickel-free alloys alloyed with chrome and molybdenum.ВК 102KRN30VMT, VC102, EP437VKS-210EP637VNL5VNL514−1-861−74VNS 12VNS1214−1-844−74VNS29VNS2914−1-1663−76VNS 32VNS3214−1-3595−84VNS33VNS33VNS12EP655, vi14−1-844−74Special equipment parts.VNS29vd, viEP91614−1-1663−76Corrosion-resistant steel for parts of special equipment.VUKS-1EP557VUKS-3-VIEP815vi14−131−794−89Parts of special equipment.EX3, EB614−1-4487−88For production of permanent magnets.EH5K5, EH9K15M214−1-4487−88For manufacture of permanent magnets.kovartubes, rodsAlloy with specified coefficient of thermal expansion for radio electronicsН3636H, H36Н4240H, 42H, H42Н6564H, H65Н65М-viEP982vi14−1-2674−79, 14−1-2879−80, 14−1-4719−89, 14−1-4202−87, 14−3-1478−87, 14−131−685−86, 14−1-3281−81, 14−1-4673−89Chemical equipment in particularly argent medium of reducing character (acids), in production of acetic acid, polypropylene, products of organic synthesis. To replace H70MFV-vi alloy in more aggressive media.H70VTU idEC27Н70МФВ-viEP814Avi5632−72, 3239−81, 14−1-2260−77, 14−1-4684−89, 14−1-2230−77, 14−1-1227−83Sv chem. apparatus with operation in hydrochloric acid at elevated temperature, concentrated solutions of sulfuric, phosphoric, acetic, hydrogen-halide acids, ion-exchange resins, polypropylene. In processes of organic synthesis and pharmaceuticals. 9200kg/m3. OZL-23.NIMO-25EI639NP1A, -id13 083, 48−0815−84−92, 48−0815−80−92, 48−0814−11/0−83, 14−3-1591−88Chemical equipment for production of liquid chlorine, caustic soda, fluorine, etc. at t-70,+500°С. Mainly pipes. 8900kg/m3NP213 083, 48−0815−84−92, 48−0815−80−92, 48−0814−11/0−83, 14−3-1591−88Chemical equipment for production of liquid chlorine, caustic soda, fluorine, etc. at t-70,+500grad. Mainly sheets and plates. 8900kg/m3PCH35MTUEP105Р10К5Ф5EI93119 265−73H&H tools: cutters, milling cutters, countersinks, reamers, etc., when machining various difficult materials — stainless and high-strength steels with increased hardness, heat-resistant alloys, etc. It has lower grinding and cutting properties compared to R12F4K5.Р1219 265−73Cutting tool: cutters, broaches, chisels, taps, reamers, when machining constructional steels instead of R18 gradeР12М3К5Ф2-МПEP863-MP, DI103-MP28 393−89Shaped cutters, drills, reamers, countersinks, taps, broaches, worm mills, disk mills, end mills, special mills, chisels, shapers for machining high-strength steels, heat-resistant steels and alloys.R12MF5-MPDI70-MP28 393−89Shaped cutters for machining medium alloyed steels. Taps, broaches, cutters for finishing of medium alloyed, alloyed, corrosion resistant and high strength steels.R12F2K5M3,-sh.EP863, w14−131−859−92For tools when machining high-strength, heat-resistant and stainless steels and alloys.R12F2K8M3,-sh.EP657, w14−1-2966−80For tools for machining of high-strength, heat-resistant and stainless steels and alloys.R12F319 265−73For finishing tools when machining ductile austenitic steel and materials with abrasive properties. Special properties — reduced tendency to overheating during hardening.R12F3K10M3, wEP682, w14−1-1686−76For tools when machining high-strength, heat-resistant and stainless steels and alloys.R12F5M.EP77214−1-1312−75R13F4K5EP60014−1-2394−78For tools when machining high-strength, heat-resistant and stainless steels and alloys.R14F4EF91519 265−73Simple shape tools. Cutters, countersinks, reamers. Finishing tools of simple shape in the machining of alloyed steels and alloys. The lower grindability in comparison with Р6М5Ф3 and Р12Ф3.Р1819 265−73For all kinds of cutting tools with retention of cutting properties at working temperatures up to 600grad for carbon, alloyed and constructional steels, strength up to 1000MPa.R18F2EI91619 265−73For the manufacture of finishing and semi-finishing cutting tools, cutters, milling cutters, reamers, drills, when machining medium-alloyed structural steels, as well as some brands of stainless steels and heat-resistant alloys.Р18Ф2К519 265−73For cutting tools when machining improved alloyed as well as stainless steels. Special properties — increased tendency to decarburization and overheating during hardening.R18F2K8M, -sh.R18F2K8M, EP37914−1-2966−80For all types of cutting tools for machining carbon, alloyed and structural steels.R18F2MEI917Р3М3Ф4К5EN976R6M519 265−73For production of metal-cutting and thread-cutting tools including those working with shock loads.R6M5K519 265−73, 2590−71, 2591−71, 19 265−73, 7417−75, 19 265−73, 14 955−77, strip 19 265−73, 4405−75, forging 19 265−73, 1133−71.H&H tools for light and stainless steel, also in conditions of increasing heat of cutting edge. To replace R18K5 °F as more economical. To replace R9K5 as having higher (by 25−30%) cutting properties. HB 269R6M5K5-MPDI101-MP19 265−73Shaped cutters, drills, reamers, countersinks, cutters, chisels, milling cutters, for machining
Borers, reamers, reamer cutters, chisels, chisels and routers for work on medium alloyed, corrosion-resistant steels, heat-resistant steels and alloys.Р6М5Ф319 265−73Finishing and semi-finishing tools shaped cutters, reamers, broaches, cutters when machining low-alloy and alloy constructional steels.
Increased tendency to decarburizing.R6M5F3-MP.DI99-MP28 393−89Shaped cutters, drills, reamers, countersinks, taps, broaches, cutters, chisels. Cutters for machining low and medium alloy steels. Instr. for cold and semi-hot extrusion of alloyed steels and alloys.R6F2K8M5EP65814−1-2966−80For tools when processing high-strength, heat-resistant and stainless steels and alloys.Р919 265−73, 2590−71, 2591−71, 19 265−73, 7417−75, 19 265−73, 14 955−77, 14−1-1408−75, 14−1-1408−75, 14−1-1706−76, 2283−79, 19 265−73, 4405−75, 19 265−73, 1133−71.A tool of simple shape, not requiring much grinding, for machining common constructional materials. Good butt welding with st45 and 40X. HB 205−255R9K10EI920R9K519 265−73Taps for machining stainless steels and heat-resistant alloys under increased cutting conditions, hard-to-machine steels with increased hardness. It has lower durability (up to 20−30%) compared to R6M5K5 and 10R6M5K5 steels.Р9М4К8EP68819 265−73For tool for machining high-strength, heat resistant and stainless steels and alloys under high cutting conditions. Lower toughness and cutting characteristics in comparison to steels. R9M4K8.R9M5F319 265−73For finishing and semi-finishing tools in structural steels.R9F514−1-2459−78For making wear-resistant parts. Chisels, countersinks, reamers. Machining of materials with high abrasive properties (fiberglass, plastic, ebonite, etc.). Finishing tools with simple shapes. The lower grindability and the lower technological properties when making tools in comparison with Р6М5Ф3, Р12Ф3.Св01Х29Н35Г8АМ4Д.CHS83welding wiresv01Cr29N35G8AM4D.EC66welding wiresv03H20N18AG12EN689welding wiresv03Cr25N14H2FBTEK23welding wirecv06Cr17NdAMBA9Uwelding wirecv08X20H57M8V8T3PEP533, id14−1-814−73welding wiresv08Cr21Ni10GbEI4782246−70welding wires08Cr32Ni10ЭI244welding wirecv10Cr18Ni11Cr5M2TuEP98714−131−621−85welding wiresv10Х28Н11С4АДEP988welding wiresv20KhN3MFAZI82welding wireSvYUCH16N25AM6EI3952246−70welding wireSt0High ductility and ductility forged iron, pole wireSt3Carbon content 0.3%. Standard black rolled steel for non-responsible structures of mass applicationSt5GOST 535−88, 380−88General purpose structural partsTSP38RUM2F3-S-MP, TSP3814−1-3859−84Powder alloy for cutting edges of equipmentU13GSTEI36614−1-678−73У16EI33614−1-1852−76Special bearings.U7A, U8A, U10A, U12AGOST 1435−90For tools that work in conditions that do not cause heating of working edge: chisels, chisels, hammers, axes, cutters, screwdrivers. Not applicable to welded constructions.Ф2Ф214−1-1773−76feni-4242NA, EP333Х125950−73For high-strength cold dies, drawing boards, bending and forming dies.Х12Н22Т3М3X12N22T3M3, EI38Х12Ф1, Х12МФ5950−73For profiling rollers of complex shapes, reference gears, rolling dies, fibers, dies.Х14Х14, ЭИ241Х14Н14СВ2МХ14Н14СВ2М, ЭИ240Х15Н5Д2ТX15N5D2T, EP225Х15Н60, -vinichrome10 994−74Heating elements with maximum operating temperature of 1150 ° CCR15N60YU3AEP54814−1-1654−76Nichrome class with aluminum. Heating elements with the working temperature 1200 degrees C, melting point 1390 degrees C. Density 7900kg/m3X15YU510 994−74Resistance elements and electrical heating devicesХ16Н13М3CH16N13M3, EI592Х16Н14В2БРX16N14V2BR, EP17Х17НCR17N, EP209CR20NI32TEP670Special tubesCR20N46BCR20N46B, EP350CR20NI6MD2TCR20N6MD2T, EP309Х20Н80, -vinichrome10 994−74Heaters with operating temperature 1200°CХ21Н5ТХ21Н5Т, ЭИ810X23YU5EI59510 994−74Resistance elements and electrical heating devicesX23YU5T10 994−74Heating elements with the limiting working temperature of 1400°СХ25Н20С2CH25N20C2, EI288X27YU5TEI62610 994−74Heating elements with a limit working temperature of 1350 ° CX28ANEI657X28-viEP602vi14−1-1019−74Tubes for heat-exchange equipment operating in corrosive environments.KH6F4MEP77014−131−491−80For tools working at elevated temperatures (cutting tools).CHVG5950−73For measuring and cutting tools, thread gauges, broaches, long taps.CHVSGF5950−73For round dies, reamers and other cutting tools.XGS5950−73For cold rolling rolls, cold heading dies and punches, punching dies.HK30VMT.EP72014−1-3457−82Parts of special equipment.CRN15VMKU.EP10914−1-223−72CRN20YUS10 994−74Heaters with a working temperature limit 1100 ° C of industrial electric furnacesCRN27YU5Tgrade 12 766.477; gauge rod 12 766.377; tape 12 766.277; wire 12 766.177.Heating elements with a temperature of 1350 ° welding methods — RTD and ADS. Direct current electrodes from the same material with OZL-8 cladding. At welding it is necessary to cover with asbestos plates to avoid ingress of spatters and wire damage.CrN28VMAB, Hd.Cr21N28V5M3BAR, VZh100, EP126, hd14−1-21−71,14−1-192−72, 14−1-192−72Round section turbine parts.CRN30VMTEP43714−1-2212−77Heat resistant alloy for the manufacture of parts of special equipment.CRN30VMTEP43714−1-2212−77CRN30MDBEC7714−1-4056−85, 14−1-5156−92, 14−1-5155−92, 14−1-4745−89, 14−1-4998−91, 14−3-1711−90Chemical equipment for production of complex mineral fertilizers, in phosphoric and sulphuric acid, heavily contaminated with halogens, in pulp and paper and oil refining industries. Gas production equipment in hydrogen sulphide containing environments.CRN32TCR20NI32T, EP6705632−72, 24 982−81, 14−1-284−72, 14−1-625−73, 14−1-2111−77, 14−1-4319−87, 14−1-489−76Sheet and structural parts, gas outlet pipes of high-temperature petrochemical installations and ammonia production equipment with prolonged service life at t to 850 °C. 8160 kg/m3.CRN33KVYU-VIEK102-vi, VZH145-vi14−1-4568−89, 14−1-4475−88Heat-resistant circles and sheetsCrN35VB-vd, idEP91214−1-4222−86Corrosion-resistant steel for the manufacture of parts of special equipment.CRN35VTEI61214−1-272−72.14−1-1665−76 (-VD)Gas turbine blades, disks, rotors, fasteners up to 650 deg. Flat springs. Hard-welded el. KTI-762 with subsequent heat treatment. Specific weight 8164kg/m3.CRN35VTRCRN35VTR, EI725CrN35VTU-vd.EI78714−1-1589−76,14−1-850−74Disks, blades of turbines and compressors up to 750°, deflectors, rings. Hand st. CT-22 followed by heat treatment. HB 302−354. Oud. Weight 8040kg/m3.CRN36MGTUR.EP15014−131−485−80CRN38VBEI703BCrN38VT, -vdЭИ703, -vd14−1-476−72, 14−1-2114−77Sheet and bar parts operating at moderate stresses, including for grades -vd for a long time at temperatures up to 1000 ° CCrN40MDB-viEP937vi14−1-2121−77, 14−1-2131−77, 14−1-2149−77Wrought weldable non-magnetic material for chemical equipment for particularly aggressive media with reducing and oxidizing properties: production lines of sulphuric, phosphoric and other acids, hydrometallurgical industries. 8260 kg/m3 tl=1370 grad.CrN40MDTU-idEP543U14−1-4042−85, 14−1-1754−76, 14−1-3190−81, 14−1-3528−83, 14−1-3639−83, 14−1-1214−82, 14−1-3546−83For chemical and petroleum engineering, centrifugal separators, centrifuges, etc. with simultaneous exposure to highly aggressive media. Elastic sensitive elements — membranes, bellows, springs especially for sulphuric and phosphoric acid, gas condensates at high temperatures.CrN43BMTU-vd, id.EP91514−1-3618−83Corrosion-resistant sheet and round steel for the manufacture of parts of special equipment operating at high temperatures.CHN45MVTYUBR-idCHN45MVTJUBR, EP71814−1-3905−85, 14−1-1059−74, 14−1-5095−92Circles and sheets for parts of special equipment.CrNi45U, -viEP747, -vi5632−72, 24 982−81, 14−1-941−74, 14−1-2075−87, 14−1-2396−78, 14−1-4082−86Parts of burner devices, thermocouple covers, ceramic tile firing furnaces rollers, furnace conveyor grids, equipment of enamelware firing furnaces for continuous operation at t 1250−1300grad. without mechanical load. 7700 kg/m3. OZL-25, OZL-35.CRNI45YUBTZEK54id14−1-3841−84Wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant steel for parts of special equipment.CrN50VMTYUB, -viEP648, -vi14−1-3046−80, 14−1-1052−74Special equipment parts operating at high temperatures.CrN50VMTYUBK-idEP96914−1-131−527−82Parts of gas pipeline systems, bar parts, tubes.CrN50MVKTYUR, -id.EP99id14−1-1476−75, 14−1-2786−79, 14−1-1747−76Heat resistant alloy for parts of special equipment.CRN50MGYUEC114−1-3761−84Wire for parts of special equipmentCRN51VMTYUKFREP22014−1-223−72Turbine blades.CrN53KMVYUT + hafniumEN994CRN55VMTKUEI929vd14−1-223−72/131−379−78Turbine blades.CrN55MBYU-vd.EP66vd14−1-2606−79, 14−1-2692−79, 14−1-3490−82, 14−1-2702−79, 14−1-3191−81Stamp-welded and brazed products with a working temperature of -253.+750, as high-strength m-l in oxidizing environments of strong acids, sea water. Resistant to embrittlement in hydrogen. It is good for welding with other stainless steels. 8800 kg/m3.CRN55MVUCRN55M6VUCrN56VMKU, — vdEP109, hd14−1-223−72Turbine blades, with operating temperatures up to 950° C.CRN56VMTUEP199vd14−1-1508−75Casing blades, disks, turbine parts. Highly loaded parts operating at temperatures up to 850° C. Difficult to weld, if necessary by manual arc welding.CRN50MGYU.CRN56MBJUDEC62vd14−1-3763−84, 14−1-5045−91Special equipment parts.CrN57MTBYU, wEP590vd, w14−1-2222−77Details of special equipment.CRN58VEP7955632−72, 3239−81, 14−131−756−88, 14−1-4362−87, 14−1-4363−87, 14−1-2715−79, 14−131−224−75Saving equipment in nitric acid solutions, in hydrofluoric acid pickling solutions. Etching baths. Welding with electrodes ФХ-13, ФХ-26.CRN58VMKUR.EP238CrN58Mbjud-idEC6114−1-3763−84Parts of special equipment.CRN59VMTKUEP455Avd14−1-4861−90Heat resistant alloy for parts of special equipment.CRN60VMTYUREN61814−1-1322−75Parts of special equipment.CRN60VTEN868, VZH985632−72, 14−1-286−72, 14−1-3148−81, 14−1-1494−75, 14−1-4296−87, 14−1-1747−76, 14−1-927−74, 14−1-230−72Engine parts. Combustion chambers, afterburner chambers and other parts with working temperature up to 1000−1100°C. 8350 kg/m3.CRNI60MEP36714−1-2693−79Special technique parts.CRN60MBEP75814−131−755−88Parts of burner devices, thermocouple covers, furnace parts.CRN60MVTUEP487vd14−1-1795−76Parts of special equipment.CRN60MYUVTEP539vd14−1-223−72Blades.CRN60YUEN559ACrN61KMYUVB-vdEP874CrN61MTVBU-vdEC57vd14−1-3670−83Special technique parts.CrN62BMKTU-idEP742-id14−1-3998−85ForgingsCRN62VMTUCN62VMTU, EI708CrN62VMYUT, — vdEP708, vd14−1-1018−74Parts of special equipment.CRN62MKUCrN62VMKYu, EI867vd14−1-402−72,14−1-223−72Blades, turbine disks working for a limited time at temperatures up to 800° C.CRN63VMKYUTBEP45514−131−494−80CRN63MBEP758U14−131−755−85, 14−1-4289−87, 14−1-4881−90, 14−1-4202−87, 14−3-1478−87, 14−1-4734−89Particularly aggressive media containing chlorides, fluorides, organic and highly contaminated mineral acids, complex mixtures of acids and chemicals at elevated temperatures, in the production of fertilizers, rubber, acetic acid, anhydride, etc. In pollution control systems. OZL-21.CRN65VB.EC6414−1-3825−84Parts of special equipment.CRN65VBMUEP90214−1-2949−80CrN65VMBU-id, vdEP914id, dd14−1-3986−85Corrosion-resistant steel for production of special equipment parts.CRN65VMTUEI893, vi14−1-322−72Working and guide blades of gas turbines, fasteners and other parts of power machines operating at temperatures up to 800 ° C.CRN65MV0Х15Н65М16 В, ЭП5675632−72, 3239−81, 14−1-3239−81, 14−1-2475−78, 14−1-1215−75, 14−3-1227−83For making chemical equipment in harsh oxidation-reduction environments of chemical, petrochemical, cellulose and other industries. t -70.+500CRN65MVUEP7605632−72, 3239−81, 14−1-4870−90, 14−1-3587−83, 14−1-2230−77, 14−3-1227−83, 14−1-3768−84, 14−3-1320−85, 14−1-2240Columns, heat exchangers, reactors in harsh conditions for production of acetic acid, epoxy resins, vinyl acetate, complex organic compounds, fertilizers, styrene, ethylbenzene etc. at -70.+500 deg. 8900kg/m3. OZL-21.CRN67VMTUEN445rCrN67MVTU, -vdEP202vd14−1-592−73, 14−1-5047−91Disks, bodies, working and nozzle blades of gas turbines with service life up to 25,000 hours at temperatures up to 750° C.CrN68VMTYUK-VdCrN68MVKTYUR, 693vd14−1-3759−84Special equipment parts.CrN70VMTU, -viEI617, vi14−1-1477−75/223−72/5.2−73, 14−1-223−72Blades and rotors, gas turbine disks designed for operation at temperatures of 800−850° C.CRN70VMTUFEI826, vd.14−1-402−72, 14−1-223−72/402−72/131−672−86Turbine blades, heavy duty parts at 850° C. Difficult to weld.CRN70VMYUT.EI76514−1-1358−74Rotors, disks, turbine blades, fasteners at temperatures up to 750−800°. Difficult-to-weld, manual arc welding with subsequent heat treatment if necessary. Specific weight 8600kg/m3.CrN70MVTYUB-in, viEI598vd, vi14−1-402−72.14−1-223−72 (-VD)Disks, turbine blades, aircraft engine parts.CrN70MVYu, -vd.EI828, vd.14−1-3131−81Parts of special equipment.CRN70UEN652, w10 994−74, 5632−72, 24 982−81, 12 766.4−77, 14−1-1497−75, 14−1-493−72, 14−1-810−73, 14−1-833−71Resistance heating elements, nichrome class with aluminum. Parts of combustion and afterburner chambers — pockets, diffusers, screens, etc. at low stresses and t up to 1200° 7900kg/m3. tpl. 1400° No special welding procedure is necessaryХН73МБТЮ-weldedCrN73M5TYUB, EI698vd14-М973−77Disks, blades of gas turbines, with operating temperatures up to 750 ° C.CrN75VMYU, -viEI827, vi14−1-402−72,14−1-223−72Gas turbine blades operating at 750−800° C with service life up to 25,000 hours.CRN75MBTUEI60214−1-3721−84Parts of gas pipeline systems, apparatus working for a long time at temperature up to 1050° C.CRN75TBUEN869CRN77TUEN437A14−1-75−71/402−72/764−73 (-Ш)Used in aircraft industry.CrN77TYU, -vd.EI437B, -d14−1 -402−72/1465−75/223−72 (-h); caliber. Bar 14−1-2480−78; thin sheet 14−1-1747−76; tape 14−1-927−74; forging 14−1-1214−75, TU 14−1-1465−75, TU 14−1-1530−75; pipe 14−1-895−74.Disks, turbine blades, aircraft engine parts operating at temperatures up to 750 ° C. Difficult to weld, if necessary, manual arc welding at HB 262. Specific weight at 20° 8200kg/m3, at 900° 7870kg/m3.CrN77TURU, -in.EI437BU, -d14−1-684−73Operating blades and disks of gas turbines operating at temperatures up to 750° C.CRN77YUR.EP137BCrN78T-id, viEI435-id, vi5632−72, 24 982−81, 14−1-1671−76,14−1-2752−79, 14−1-975−74, 14−1-4319−87, 14−1-4009−85, 14−1-895−74, 14−1-4319−87, 14−1-3942−85 (-ID)Parts of aircraft engines. Light-loaded critical parts with operating tensions up to 1000−1100°: flame tubes, combustion chambers, gas ducts, thermocouple covers. 8400 kg/m3. OZL-25, OZL-25B, TST-28. Difficult to weld, if necessary, manual welding of electric. CT-22. Specific weight at 20° 8400kg/m3, at 900° 8040kg/m3CRN80TBUEI607, EI607A14−1-2180−77, 14−1-1358−74Turbine blades, turbine mounting parts, designed for operation at up to 700 ° C. HB 165. Difficult to weld, manual arc if necessary. Specific weight 8300 kg/m3.CrN85MYu-vi.EP797vi14−131−450−79, 14−1-3367−82Details of special equipment.ChS25-viCHS2514−1-811−73ChS4-viCHS414−1-811−73ChS5-viCHS514−1-811−74SHKH15, SHKH15SG801−78For the manufacture of parts of ball and roller bearings, plunger bushings, plungers, heating valves, atomizer housings and other parts, pipe billet.EP867EP867EP16600Х17Н15Р1, EP166EP16700Х17Н15Р2, EP167EP16800Х17Н15Р4, EP168EP168A00Х17Н15Р3, EP168AEP16900Х18Н15Р6, EP169
HI — vacuum arc remelting
v — Vacuum induction melting
ID — induction furnace + vacuum arc remelting
IS — induction furnace + electron-beam remelting
PC — plasma arc remelting
Pt — plasma super pure smelting technology
SH — electroslag remelting