Lead production methods
Are you interested in lead production? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy lead that meets all the requirements
Preparatory stages
Lead ores are abundant in the earth's interior, but all commercial ore deposits contain a mixture of polymetals, usually tin, zinc, bismuth, as well as noble metals. The main metallurgical impurities are antimony and arsenic. Lead production involves the following steps:
- extraction of feedstock;
- Preparation of ore charge;
- charge roasting;
- smelting in shaft furnaces;
- concentration of primary lead.
The percentage of charge components must be calculated in such a way that the final sinter is self-melting: this eliminates the need to introduce fluxes into the furnace to facilitate the melting process.
Production from recycled materials
40% of lead is produced from recycled raw materials, the source being scrap lead battery plates. The rest of the lead is extracted from ore raw materials, which contain up to 8% lead in the form of a variety of sulfur compounds. The main preparatory operations are considered gravity separation of the ore by mass, as well as multistage water-skip flotation. The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy lead rolled steel (GOST 3778-98) at an affordable price in a wide range. Provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal.
The main melting technologies.
Two main technologies are used: pyro- and hydrometallurgical. In the first case, three types of smelting are realized:
Reclamation smelting,
The enriched lead concentrate is milled and oxidized to PbO oxide under constant stirring. The product is melted in a shaft furnace to produce so called noble lead with some metal impurities such as gold, silver and bismuth. It is then refined, i.e. smelted again to obtain pure metal;
Mining smelting,
The method is used for ores rich in lead. In mining smelting, ore or concentrate is loaded into the furnace at the same time as metallurgical fuel, after which it is actively blown with compressed air.
Alkaline smelting
This method consists in heating lead concentrate in the presence of caustic soda in an electric furnace to 850 °C. The result is lead with no more than 2% impurities.
The hydrometallurgical method
In the hydrometallurgical process, the lead conglomerate is broken down in aqueous solutions of ferric chloride. In this process, the lead salts are dissolved, the compounds are leached with the transition of impurities into the dissolved state, the solution is purified and the lead precipitation due to crystallization occurs sequentially. This is followed by the electrolytic precipitation of lead and its subsequent refining.
Buy. Supplier, price.
Are you interested in lead production? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy lead rolled steel that meets the requirements of Gosstandart 3778-98, in any quantity at the manufacturer's price. We provide delivery of products anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite you to partner cooperation.