Belt grinding of titanium
Finishing of curved surfaces of parts made of titanium alloys is carried out by belt grinding. The advantages of using abrasive belts include the possibility of machining with surface, or linear contact. All this significantly reduces the number of shaping movements of the machine.
Grinding method
This is a method that is produced by compressor GTE abrasive wheels and wide abrasive belts. Machines MB-885, 381ZD, KSH-185, KSH-186 are designed for this purpose. In the process of picking up the belt bar they simultaneously grind the machined surface on one side. The difference is high productivity and wide application in industry for grinding parts of small size.
For blades with a feather length of more than 120 mm, it is the stitching method using narrow abrasive belts that is suitable. In this way a high degree of precision can be achieved. The stitching method is carried out on machines LSh-1, LSh1A, 4ShSL-7, LSh2. Longitudinal stitching is carried out with the direction of feed of parts strictly perpendicular to the plane of movement of abrasive belts used.
At the expense of progressive-return movements of the machine table, longitudinal feed of the part S is carried out. And circular feed will provide discrete rotation of workpieces around the axis. In the process of machining, LSh-1 machine tool must be set to a certain force of contact pressure between the abrasive belt, which is regulated by compensating springs, and the workpiece to be machined.
Copying and method of running-in
It is used for grinding of intersecting surfaces mated in radius of workpieces. When all surfaces are shaped by copying any working surface of the contact copier can be equidistant to the thickness of the abrasive belt. The width is somewhat greater than the width of the surface to be machined. This principle is the basis of operation of such machines as: ZLSH-9 (ZLSH-91), ZLSH-5 (ZLSH-52) and some others. The workpiece to be machined must fit the standards for the plunging surface. A force of 50-100 N is applied to the contact copier. The belt tension force will be 10 to 30 N for every 10 mm of the belt width.
Complete machining of parts is carried out by the rolling method, for this purpose a linear contact is used. During machining, the shape of the tool will be mated to the surface shapes of the part being machined. This is done by rolling over the workpiece using a defined trajectory.
Diamond Grinding
It was thought that grinding titanium alloys with diamond wheels because of the chemical affinity of carbon and titanium would be ineffective - leading to severe wear of the diamond grains and "sharpening" of the tool. Diamond grinding generates tensile residual stresses in the surface layer. Today, diamond wheels with special metal bonds have already been created, which synchronize smoothing of the cutting grains and cutting them out of the bond, that is, the diamond wheel will be self-sharpening. Grinding of this kind is now quite successfully used in the grinding of blades' nibs on compressors in the production of MMPP Salyut.
Electrochemical grinding
A variation of diamond grinding can be regarded as machining the part using direct current. The process takes place in an electrolyte, and a diamond wheel serves as an anode. This method makes it possible to maintain constant cutting properties of the diamond wheel. Electrochemical grinding generates favorable compressive stresses on the surface of the workpiece.
Buy, price
Evek GmbH sells rolled metal products at an optimal price. It is formed taking into account the LME (London metal exchange) rates and depends on the technological characteristics of production without including additional costs. We supply semi-finished products from titanium and its alloys in wide assortment. All batches have quality certificate for compliance with standards requirements. With us you can buy in bulk the most various products for large-scale productions. The wide choice, exhaustive consulting of our managers, reasonable prices and timely delivery determine the face of our company. There is a system of discounts for wholesale purchases.