Hastelloy® mesh dimensions

Buy at a bargain price

Supplier Evek GmbH will supply hastelloy mesh, the price does not include storage and transportation costs. The company's website reflects the latest information about the incoming products. Today you can buy Hastelloy mesh at the most favorable price.

Composition of different alloys Hastelloy

Alloy Co Cr Mo W Fe Si Mn C Ni Other elements
B-2 1 1 28 - 2 0.1 1 0.01 basis -
B-3 3 1.5 28.5 3 1.5 0.1 3 0.01 65 min. Al-0.5, Ti-0.2
C-4 2 16 16 - 3 0.08 1 0.01 basis Ti-0.7
C-2000 2 23 16 - 3 0.08 - 0.01 --- "--- Cu-1.6
C-22 2,5 22 13 3 3 0.08 0.5 0.01 --- "---
C-276 2,5 16 16 4 5 0.08 1 0.01 basis V-0.35
G-30 2 30 5.5 2.5 15 1 1.5 0.03 --- "--- Nb-0.8, Cu-2

Excellent thermal and corrosion resistance, high electrical resistance. Maximum use temperature of hastelloy meshes is about 950 °C.


Wire Ø 0.05 mm is used, the size and shape of meshes depend on the application. The warp wires (which run parallel to the fabric) are thicker than the filling wires (cross wires), which are arranged next to each other. We get the so-called zero cells. Twill weave implies weaving every third wire in the fabric. At the plain weave alternate warp and weft wires.

Sizes .

Weaving Mesh width, mm Wire thickness, mm Width of weave, mm Price
twill 0,4 - 15,0 0,15 - 1,5 1000 - 2000 Contractual
linen 0,05 - 2,0 0,05 - 0,2 1000 - 2000 Contractual
lace zero cell 0,1 - 0,9 1000 - 1500 Contractual


Evek GmbH stocks all types of meshes in its warehouse to the fullest extent. Generally supplied in 1 - 2 m wide rolls. We offer to buy Hastelloy mesh from specialised warehouses of the supplier Evek GmbH with delivery in any city. Mesh sizes of hastelloy mesh depend on intended use. Supplier Evek GmbH offers all types of meshes, the price is optimal in this segment of supplies.