State standard for boiler steel

Are you interested in boiler steel in the GOST system? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy boiler steel in any quantity at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal.

Technical characteristics

For the manufacture of parts of boilers, steam pipes and other similar products of power purposes, which operate at elevated temperatures up to 350… 600 ° C, use the usual low-carbon steel type 15K, 20K, building low-alloy steel type 09G2H, as well as structural alloy steel, containing a high percentage of manganese, silicon and vanadium.

Chemical composition, GOST 5520−79

Steel grades Chemical content, %
C Si Mn P S Cu Ni Cr Mo V
not more than
20К 0,17−0,24 0,17−0,37 0,35−0,65 0,03 0,025 0,3 0,25 0,25    
15GS 0,12−0,18 0,70−1,00 0,90−1,30 0,035 0,025 0,3 0,3 0,30    
15CRM 0,10−0,15 0,17−0,37 0,40−0,70 0,035 0,025 0,2 0,25 0,80−1,10 0,40−0,55  
12CR1MOV 0,10−0,15 0,17−0,37 0,40−0,70 0,025 0,025 0,2 0,25 0,90−1,20 0,25−0,35 0,15−0,30
15CR1M1F 0,10−0,15 0,17−0,37 0,40−0,70 0,025 0,025 0,25 0,25 1,10−1,40 0,90−1,10 0,20−0,35

Evek GmbH offers to buy boiler steel at an affordable price in a wide range. Provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal.

Mechanical properties of boiler steel, GOST 5520−79

Steel grade Temperature, °С Creep limit at elongation 1% Long durability
10000 ч 100000 ч 10000 ч 100000 ч 200000 ч
N/mm2 (kgf/mm2)
16К 380 194 (19,8) 132 (13,5) 233 (23,8) 157 (16,0) 139 (14,2)
390 188 (12,3) 121 (12,3) 215 (21,9) 143 (14,6) 125 (12,8)
400 162 (16,5) 108 (11,0) 196 (20,0) 129 (13,2) 113 (11,5)
410 146 (14,9) 96 (9,8) 178 (18,1) 116 (11,8) 101 (10,3)
420 130 (13,3) 84 (8,6) 160 (16,3) 103 (10,5) 89 (9,1)
430 116 (11,8) 74 (7,5) 144 (14,7) 91 (9,3) 77 (7,9)
440 103 (10,5) 64 (6,5) 129 (13,2) 79 (8,1) 67 (6,8)
450 91 (9,3) 54 (5,5) 115 (11,7) 69 (7,0) 58 (5,9)
460 80 (8,2) 46 (4,7) 103 (10,5) 59 (6,0) 69 (5,0)
470 72 (7,3) 38 (3,9) 92 (9,4) 50 (5,1) 41 (4,2)
480 64 (6,5) 31 (3,2) 82 (8,4) 42 (4,3) 33 (3,4)
(490) 57 (5,8) 25 (2,6) 74 (7,6) 35 (3,6) 26 (2,7)
16GS 390 197 (20,1) 137 (14,0) 277 (28,2) 194 (19,8) 174 (17,7)
400 175 (17,8) 102 (10,4) 248 (25,3) 172 (17,5) 152 (15,5)
410 155 (15,8) 106 (10,98) 221 (22,5) 151 (15,4) 132 (13,5)
420 137 (14,0) 93 (9,5) 194 (19,8) 132 (13,5) 115 (11,7)
430 121 (12,3) 80 (8,2) 172 (17,5) 115 (11,7) 100 (10,2)
17GS 440 106 (10,8) 69 (7,0) 150 (15,3) 100 (10,2) 86 (8,8)
450 92 (9,4) 59 (6,0) 131 (13,4) 86 (8,8) 75 (7,6)
460 80 (8,2) 50 (5,1) 116 (11,8) 75 (7,6) 64 (6,5)
470 70 (7,1) 43 (4,4) 102 (10,4) 64 (6,5) 54 (5,5)
480 61 (6,2) 37 (3,8) 88 (9,0) 54 (5,5) 54 (4,6)
(490) 53 (5,4) 31 (3,2) 78 (8,0) 46 (4,7) 38 (3,9)
12CRM 450 235 (24,0) 192 (19,6) 333 (34,0) 265 (27,0) 240 (24,5)
460 224 (22,8) 178 (18,2) 317 (32,3) 247 (25,2) 223 (22,7)
470 212 (21,6) 163 (16,6) 298 (30,4) 228 (23,2) 205 (20,9)
480 198 (20,2) 146 (14,9) 278 (28,4) 208 (21,2) 186 (19,0)
490 183 (18,7) 129 (13,2) 257 (26,2) 187 (19,1) 167 (17,0)
12CRM 500 167 (17,0) 113 (11,5) 233 (24,0) 167 (17,0) 146 (14,9)
510 145 (14,8) 94 (9,6) 208 (21,2) 140 (14,3) 120 (12,2)
520 122 (12,4) 78 (8,0) 179 (18,3) 112 (11,4) 94 (9,6)
530 102 (10,4) 64 (6,5) 150 (15,3) 86 (8,9) 71 (7,2)
540 84 (8,6) 50 (5,1) 126 (12,8) 66 (6,7) 52 (5,3)
550 69 (7,0) 38 (3,9) 103 (10,5) 49 (5,0) 37 (3,8)
(560) 58 (5,9) 29 (3,0) 85 (8,7) 38 (3,9) 27 (2,8)
10X2M 470 204 (20,8) 117 (11,9) 242 (24,7) 168 (17,1) 149 (15,2)
480 184 (18,8) 106 (10,8) 106 (10,8) 149 (15,2) 132 (13,5)
490 165 (16,8) 97 (9,9) 97 (9,9) 132 (13,5) 116 (11,8)
500 147 (15,0) 87 (8,9) 87 (8,9) 118 (12,0) 102 (10,4)
510 128 (13,1) 78 (8,0) 78 (8,0) 105 (10,7) 91 (9,3)
520 112 (11,4) 70 (7,1) 70 (7,1) 93 (9,5) 80 (8,2)
530 97 (9,9) 62 (6,3) 62 (6,3) 82 (8,4) 71 (7,2)
540 83 (8,5) 54 (5,5) 54 (5,5) 73 (7,4) 62 (6,3)
550 71 (7,2) 46 (4,7) 46 (4,7) 63 (6,4) 53 (5,4)
560 61 (6,2) 40 (4,1) 40 (4,1) 53 (5,4) 45 (4,6)
570 53 (5,4) 34 (3,5) 34 (3,5) 46 (4,7) 38 (3,9)
12CRMO 500     210 (21,4) 186 (19,0) 145 (14,8)
510     180 (18,4) 170 (17,4) 130 (13,3)
520     170 (17,4) 157 (16,0) 115 (11,7)
530     150 (15,3) 141 (14,4) 105 (10,7)
540     135 (13,6) 126 (12,9) 95 (9,7)
550     120 (12,6) 113 (11,5) 85 (8,7)
560     110 (10,2) 98 (10,0) 75 (7,6)
570     100 (10,2) 88 (9,0) 70 (7,2)
580     90 (9,2) 78 (8,0) 60 (6,1)
590     80 (8,2) 68 (6,9) 55 (5,6)
600     70 (7,2) 59 (6,0) 50 (5,1)
610     65 (6,6) 50 (5,1) -

The temperature values in parentheses indicate that the corresponding steel at this temperature should not be used under continuous loading conditions.

Buy. Supplier, price.

Are you interested in boiler steel in the GOST system? Supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy boiler steel in any quantity at the manufacturer’s price. We provide delivery of products to any point on the continent. The price is optimal. We invite to partner cooperation/