Cementable structural steel in the Din system
Are you interested in DIN standards (European Union) for cementitious structural steel? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy cementitious structural steel in any quantity at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal.
Area of application
The norms governing the production of cemented alloy structural steels are contained in Federal Standards DIN 17200 and DIN 17210. Standard 17210 defines: the chemical composition of the material. The percentage of alloying elements - manganese, silicon, copper, chromium, vanadium, molybdenum and nickel - is limited;
Delivery condition
The steels included in the group of the above standards are divided into three groups: ordinary quality: carbon percentage up to 0.35% and sulfur and phosphorus not more than 0.045%; improved quality, with carbon percentage up to 0.35% and sulfur and phosphorus not more than 0.035%; cold-rolled steel with the same parameters. According to the technical standards, cold-rolled steels are subject to carburizing according to DIN 1654, alloy hardenable steels according to DIN 17210 for carburizing. The mechanical properties - strength and ductility, including at lower operating temperatures - are stipulated.
Ni increases hardenability, low temperature resistance, antimagnetic resistance. The combination of at least 8% Ni with 18% Cr for alloyed structural steels acquires an austenitic form;Chromium
Cr also increases resistance and strength. Its minimum percentage is 12.5% to classify the steel alloy as alloyed.Boron
Boron (B): in amounts of 0.002 ... 0.003% contributes to hardness and strength. Evek GmbH offers to buy cemented structural alloy steel at an affordable price in a wide range. We provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal.Molybdenum
Mo increases strength by reducing temper brittleness. Adding 2...3% Mo to steel and the presence of chromium and nickel increases corrosion resistance;
Mn: like silicon, is considered an impurity, but has a positive effect on strength, wear resistance. Steels containing a significant percentage of manganese become brittle when tempered;
Ti is used in the form of carbide against intergranular corrosion. Elements such as niobium (Nb) and tantalum (Ta) cause the same effect.
The hardness of the cemented layer after hardening and tempering should be between HRC 61...63.
Purchase. Furnizor, price.
Are you interested in the EU standards for cemented structural steel? The supplier Evek GmbH offers to buy cementitious structural steel in any quantity at the manufacturer's price. We provide product delivery anywhere in the continent. The price is optimal. We invite to partner cooperation.