Bronze reference
Tin bronzes.
They have been used since ancient times and are well mastered by industry. Due to the large crystallization interval they have low fluidity. Shrinkage shells are not formed in these bronzes, but fine disseminated porosity is present. Linear shrinkage in tin bronzes is very small and amounts to 0.8% during sand casting and 1.4% during die casting. Such properties make it easier to produce castings that do not require high tightness.
The importance of phosphorus
This element is often introduced into the composition of tin bronzes. Firstly, phosphorus reduces the hydrogen content of the melt and deoxidizes copper; secondly, it increases the strength; thirdly, it improves the fluidity and allows making complex castings with thin walls, for example in high-quality artistic castings. The presence of phosphorus in bronzes with a small amount of tin contributes to increased wear resistance due to the appearance of solid copper phosphide particles Cu3 P in the structure. But phosphorus has a downside - it impairs ductility, so its content in wrought alloys usually does not exceed 0.5%.
Tin bronzes have a large amount of zinc in their composition, but no more than the solubility limit. Nickel contributes to strength properties and improves deformability and ductility, increasing density, corrosion resistance and reducing liquation. Lead increases density and fluidity, as well as anti-friction properties. Nickel-containing bronzes are thermally hardened by aging and quenching.
Aluminum bronzes
They occupy a leading place among copper alloys in the industry in terms of their prevalence. As the aluminum content of the alloy increases, their strength properties increase. Those alloys that have 5 to 8% aluminum content have optimum mechanical properties.
Beryllium bronzes
These alloys have a unique combination of properties: considerable elasticity and strength, good thermal and electrical conductivity, high resistance to corrosion and mechanical destruction.
Silicon Bronzes
Increasing the silicon content in the alloys of not more than 3.5% increases both the tensile strength of the alloy and the relative elongation.
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Evek GmbH has a wide range of bronze products from various grades of foundry and wrought alloys in stock. We value our customers time, so we are always ready to help with the best choice. At your service experienced managers-consultants. Product quality is guaranteed by strict compliance with production standards. The terms of fulfilling orders are minimal. Wholesale customers receive preferential discounts.