Sheet, tape brightray C® - 2.4869

Buy sheet, ribbon brightray C®, 2.4869: Price from supplier Evek GmbH

International Equivalent

Mark Analogue W. Nr. Aisi Uns En Order
Х20Н80 EHN80 2.4869 N06003 NiCr80-20 Delivery from the stock, in stock
Х20Н80-Н EHN80 2.4869 N06003 NiCr80-20 Delivery from the stock, in stock
Х20Н80Н EHN80 2.4869 N06003 NiCr80-20 Delivery from the stock, in stock

Buy, price from supplier

Sheet, strip brightray C 2.4869 from the supplier Evek GmbH can be purchased wholesale or retail. The site reflects the price and range of products to date. Excellent product quality and adequate price is the face of the supplier Evek GmbH. Regular customers can buy sheets, strips C 2.4869, taking advantage of a discount system from Evek GmbH. Delivery is made from our warehouses located at.

Percentages of Brightray C® - 2.4869

Ni, % Cr, % Si, % С, %
78 min ≤19.5 ≤1.5 ≤0.04

Alloy is melted in an electric arc furnace. Melting is done in a vacuum or neutral gas. Melting temperature of the alloy is 1370°C-1400°C.

Technical characteristics

This grade has low electrical conductivity, but great corrosion resistance. To enhance the electromagnetic qualities it is alloyed. Wire, sheet and strip is cold rolled with subsequent annealing. The specific gravity is 7.85 g/cm3. Rolled steel 2.4869 can bear high temperatures quite well. The operating temperature of this alloy ranges from 0 °C to 500 °C. Specific heat capacity is on the level of 456 J/kg. Welding requires preheating to a temperature of 100 °C -120 °C and subsequent annealing.


The supplier of precision alloys provides certified products. The technical documentation contains all data on the chemical composition, percentage of impurities and mechanical properties of the precision steel sheets. With us you can buy a precision band, sheet, at an adequate price. You will be satisfied with the quality and price of precision alloys. For wholesale customers we offer precision alloys with a discount.


All products from our company have been certified. The technical documentation contains data on the composition, mechanical quality and impurity content.